发明人:Daniel Freeman申请号:US13155994申请日:20110608
摘要:A self-service, fully-automatic kiosk for duplicating keys includes a kioskhousing having a customer interface for receiving payment from a customer for thepurchase of at least one duplicate of the customer's key. A key analysis system within the
housing analyzes the blade of a key inserted in the key-receiving entry to determinewhether the inserted key matches one of a group of preselected key types and, if so,which preselected key type is matched. A key blank extraction system extracts from amagazine within the kiosk a key blank for the preselected key type matched by the bladeof the key inserted in the key-receiving entry. Then a key duplicating system within thekiosk replicates the tooth pattern of the blade of the key inserted in the key-receivingentry, on the blade of the extracted key blank. The kiosk includes a processor coupled tosensors and controllable devices within the kiosk and to a communications port forcommunicating with a remote central server. The processor displays multiple availablemanual commands in response to an input signal requesting such a display, and, inresponse to manual selection of the commands, produces signals that energize and de-energize selected devices within the kiosk, thereby permitting remote manual control ofthe devices and mechanisms associated with those devices. The processor also transmitssignals from a video camera within the kiosk, and signals representing the status ofmultiple devices within the kiosk.
申请人:Daniel Freeman
地址:Calabasas CA US