
Communication system conferencing arrangement

2024-07-28 来源:九壹网

专利名称:Communication system conferencing


发明人:Francis M. Fenton,James H. Van Ornum,Tse L.

Wang,Carl D. Weiss


摘要:A communication conferencing arrangement is disclosed which relies upon theuse of a plus/minus (+/-) nonlocking button followed by the operation of a buttonassociated with any other line appearing at the station. If the operated line button isassociated with a currently active line that line will be removed from the conference. If,however, the operated button is associated with a nonactive line (held or idle) then thatline will be added, in conference fashion, with the communication leads of the enablingstation. Provision is made to allow any number of added connections up to a presetmaximum number at any station.

代理人:David H. Tannenbaum

