


Optimization on algorithm of labeling connected

components in binary images

LUO Zhi-Zao 1 ZHUO Ying-Wu1 LUO Zhi-Shi 2

(1.department of electronic engineering in Minjiang University in Fu Zhou City 350108;

2.Sanming City Electric Power Bureau 365000)

Abstract: The improved algorithm is introduced based on analysis of existing algorithms of labeling connected regions through scanning pixels in binary images.The algorithm has many advantages such as faster,simpler,easier to realize than the others, has more preponderance in terms of multi-objects labeling,and keeping the original edges.The improved algorithm could label background as objects, label and merge connected regions via the two procedure of scanning binary image and scanning buffer block of unmerged regeions.It adopts sequential storage structure instead of chain,stack and tree structure,runs more rapidly, occupies much less memory than the unimproved algorithm.

Key words:binary images;connected components;scanning by pixels;labeling

Binary image is matrix which is component of white pixels and black pixels (commonly ‘1’ represents white pixels in binary image, as well ‘255’ in gray image)[1]. In binary images, labeling connected components indicates to label the connected pixels as one object according with the same connected rule(such as 4-Neighbour,8-Neighbour,m-Neighbour)[2].It is important to construct appropriate data structure,for the object’s attribute and temporary operating result,such as wich object current pixel belong to,quantity of pixels in the object,the center of gravity of objects,and so on[3]. labeling connected components is important procedure for object identification,and directly affect the correctness and speed of identification[4].

It is mainly throught two paths to affect performance of labeling connected components,for the following paths:a) the scanning mode in image and the way of correcting the collision of labeling connected components;b) data structure for information of connected components.So It would be throught the same paths to improve the performance of algorithm of labeling connected components:1)cut down the times of scanning image,as few as possible to scan,avoid backtracking image as possible,and get most information from one scanning;2)constructing appropriate data struct for connected components,reduce time of accessing information about objects,enhance efficiency of the algorithm of labeling connected components. 1 Existing algorithms introduce

There are various algorithms to label connected components,which could be classified into two different regions according to mode of scanning,one is labeling objects by scanning pixels just as namely point-labeling[5],the other is labeling objects by scanning segment,namely line-labeling [6].the modes of point-labeling are various,as follows:1 Sequential scanning mode[7],2 recursive scanning mode[8],3 region-growing mode[9] and so on. labeling objects algorithm based on run-length is the research focus in Line-scanning algorithms [10].These algorithms could label objects exactly,their differentia mainly focus on how to solve labeling collision. The result express one object with same label number.The goal of optimizing algorithm is to simplify it’s operation and improve it’s performance,baesd on correct solving conflicting labeling number.

Pixel-scanning is favorite algorithm,for it’s intuition,simple data structure,easy to realize[5].There are many conflicting labeling numbers,after scanning binary image;normally the method to solve the problem is to iterate scanning image until all conflicting labeling numbers were cleared up[8].It’s running time could be not stable,and it adopts linkedlist struct,tree struct or stack storage struct for labeling object, lots running time is spended on recursively calling and passing pointer.

The paper improve pixel-scanning algorithm ,On the basis of it’s disadvantages. Firstly due to the shortcoming of the linkedlist storage structure,adopts sequential storage structure instead of linkedlist,in order to reduce times of passing pointers;secondly adopt two dimension array to store labeling numbers,which indicate connected components every pixels belong to, and are convenient for following operation;Thirdly use one dimension array to store the number which

labeling common connected components,namely common labeling number,and attributes of object,so that can solve conflicting labeling numbers;lastly improve the algorithm for emerge conflicting labeling number,reorder labeling numbers to get appropriate labeling numbers. 2 algorithm introduce 2.1 glossaries define

Connected components labeling number for pixel(CCLNP):the number which label connected component which one pixel belong to,and store in two dimensions array as large as the binary image. The number has two different periods: in stageⅠ,it indicates the number of labeling connected components from scanning binary image,and different number could label same connected components. So could name the number as pre-emerging connected components labeling number(PCCLN).In stage II,it indicates emerged connected components labeling number, videlicet,which are common connected components labeling number instead of CCLNP.The number is the number of labeling objects at last,named as labeling number for object(LNO).

Conflicting number labeling connected component:in PCCLN matrix,there could be some different number which identify same object,so is named as Conflicting number labeling connected component,also named as homogeneous number labeling connected component.

Common connected components labeling number:the number indicates which object the pre-emerge connected components labeled by pre-emerge labeling number should belong to,the numbers are stored in one dimension array.the array index is pre-emerge labeling number,and the array numerics is composed of the number indicating which object one pre-emerge connected component belong to.

2.2 algorithm Summary

The algorithm runs in two stages

In stage I,scanning binary image one time according with one connected rule,and label the number of pre-emerge connected components for each pixels; and simultaneitily record the common components number that the pre-emerge components belong to;due to 4-Neighbour or 8-Neighbour kernel is very small,so couldn’t label all objects in one scanning,there are many conflicting numbers labeling which connected component the pixel belong to.the common connected components labeling number indicate the common object which the conflicting connected components belong to.

In stage II,scanning the pre-emerge matrix which store pre-emerge connected components labeling number for each pixels,and rewrite the pre-emerge number in matrix,that is to use common connected component labeling number instead of pre-emerge number,the procedure is called emerge pre-emerge connected components. In the procedure reorder the number of common connected components,according with sequence of the number occurring,to keep the nember valid.after the procedure, the labeling number in the matrix represent the number of object that the pixel belong to in same position. 2.3 algorithm describing

The 4-Neighbour and 8-Neighbour have same operation in the algorithm,so we can explain the algorithm via 4-Neighbour.

We presume that f(x1,y),f(x1,y),f(x,y1),f(x,y1)is respectively left- Neighbour ,right-neighbour,top-neighbour and bottom-neighbour of one pixelf(x,y). The

emerge(x,y) represents number labeling Connected components by pixel(CCLNP).We can assure thatf(x1,y)andf(x,y1)had been scanned untilf(x,y)occurred,so emerge(x1,y) and emerge(x,y1) became known number. Connected components

(x,y)specified by pixel,only relate to emerge(x,y1) and labeling number emergeemerge(x,y) specified by pixel f(x1,y) and f(x,y1).the relations between them

expressed as follow formula (1):

(x1,y)emergeemerge(x,y1)emerge(x,y)(x,y1)emerge)1max(emergeif f(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1)if f(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1)(1)

if f(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1)if f(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1)

Formula(1) indicates:

(1) if pixelsf(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1),that is f(x,y) equals it’s left-neighbour,which indicates that pixelf(x,y)is connected with it’s left-neighbour,then

emerge(x,y),the number of connected component specified by pixelf(x,y),equals emerge(x1,y), the number of connected component specified by pixelf(x1,y).

(2)if f(x,y)f(x1,y) and f(x,y)f(x,y1),that is f(x,y)is connected with top-neighbour,but not connected with left-neighbour,then emerge(x,y) equals emerge(x,y1).




(x,y1)≠emerge(x1,y),则表明f(x,y)的上邻域和左邻域连通域(ii) 若emerge(x,y)=emerge(x,y1)。 标号冲突,需处理冲突标号,然后emerge(3) if pixelf(x,y)f(x,y1) and f(x,y)f(x1,y),that is pixel f(x,y) is connected with top-neighbour and left-neighbour,then we could draw a following conclusion:

(x,y1)=emerge(x1,y),namely the labeling number of connected (i) if emergecomponent specified by pixel f(x,y)equals labeling number of its’left-neighbour and

(x,y)=emerge(x,y1). top-neighbour,then emerge(x,y1)≠emerge(x1,y) (ii) if emerge(4)若f(x,y)f(x,y1)且f(x,y)f(x1,y)时,表明像素点f(x,y)属于新的连






(i)当f(x,y)f(x,y1)且f(x,y)f(x1,y)时,表明像素点f(x,y)属于新的连(merge(x,y))emerge(x,y) 。通,则共同连通域标号common新增一个元素。即common



(i)=common(merge(x1,y))则修改其需扫描common数组一遍,任一元素i,若common(i)common(merge(x,y1))。 共同连通域标号common扫描图像时,若出现新的孤点,即f(x,y)f(x,y1)且f(x,y)f(x1,y)时,共同连通域标号common新增元素标记该元素。若元素f(x,y)与它的左邻域f(x1,y)和上邻

(x1,y)与emerge(x,y1)不一致,则表明连域f(x,y1)连通,且连通域标号emerge(x1,y)与emerge(x,y1)不连通,需要合并,因此要对共同连通域标号通域emerge(x1,y)的元素改为emerge(x,y1)。 中所有的值等于emergecommon经合并处理后,emerge的元素表示像素点的待合并连通域。但emerge表示的连通域会有大量的冲突标号,因此用数组common标记emerge各元素的共同连通域。此时,

的值是断续的,对后续的处理很不利,需要对common及emerge的标号调整。 common调整方法如下:


(x,y)作如下操作: 扫描emerge数组,对任一元素emerge(i)若temp(common(emerge(x,y))<0,则


temp(common(emerge(x,y))=nIndex; emerge(x,y)=temp(common(emerge(x,y));

(emerge(x,y))0,即该共同连域已出现过,则 (ii)若temp(commonemerge(x,y)=temp(common(emerge(x,y));



(x,y)即可。 赋给emerge图像的第一行像素点没有上邻域,第一列没有左邻域,需特殊处理。如下所示:







int* emerge ;


int *common;


typedef struct tagAttr

{long size;//包含像素个数,也叫面积 POINT center;//中心点 RECT rect;//外接矩形 } pattr;

pattr* pObjectAttr;


由于初始分配空间时,并未知道目标连通域的数量,因此假定足够大的连通域数,例如 int maxsize=5000;


算法运行分为两个阶段,设f(x,y)是图像的像素点: 第一阶段:

(1)提取图像参数,如宽nWidth和高nHeight等。 (2)初始化emerge(0,0)=0,common(0)=0,nIndex=0;

(3)扫描图像第1行,x从1开始,标记待合并连通域标号emerge(x,0),和共同连通域 common。按如下处理:

若f(x,0)=f(x-1,0),则跳过当前像素点即x=x+1,否则nIndex=nIndex+1,emerge(x,0)=nIndex, common(emerge(x,0))=emerge(x,0);




若f(0,y)≠f(0,y-1),则nIndex=nIndex+1,emerge(0,y)=nIndex, common(emerge(0,y))=emerge(0,y); (ii)标记其余像素点f(x,y)(x>0,y>0)

若f(x,y) =f(x-1,y)且f(x,y)≠f(x,y-1),则emerge(x,y)=emerge(x-1,y); 若f(x,y)≠f(x-1,y)且f(x,y)=f(x,y-1),则emerge(x,y)=emerge(x,y-1);

若f(x,y)=f(x-1,y)且f(x,y)=f(x,y-1),则比较emerge(x-1,y)和emerge(x,y-1), 若emerge(x-1,y)=emerge(x,y-1),则emerge(x,y)=emerge(x,y-1); 若emerge(x-1,y)≠emerge(x,y-1),则扫描common,对任一元素i,

若元素common(i)=common(emerge(x-1,y)),则common(i)=common(emerge(x,y-1))。 若f(x,y)≠f(x-1,y)且f(x,y)≠f(x,y-1),则nIndex=nIndex+1,emerge(x,y)=nIndex, common(emerge(x,y))=emerge(x,y);





若temp(common(emerge(x,y))) <0,则 temp(common(emerge(x,y))) =index; index=index+1;

若temp(common(emerge(x,y))) ≥0,即该共同连域已出现过,则 emerge(x,y)=temp(common(emerge(x,y))) ;

3 算法特点分析

(1) 初次扫描图像过程中,在标记待合并的连通域的同时,对冲突标号进行初步标记,即用一维数组记录等价标号的共同连通域标号,一方面当遇到等价标号时,无需回溯扫描;另一方面,在扫描图像时,完整保留标号冲突的信息,标记等价连通域的共同标号。






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Biography: LUO Zhi-Zao,male, was born in Sanming of Fujian province in1971,lecturer,work in department of electronic engineering in Minjiang University,His research work refers to the development of digital image and embedded system Linux.
