Unit 1
1) 中国政府致力于打击各行各业的腐败现象。 (crack down on)
The Chinese government is making an effort to crack down on corruption in different walks of life .
2) 研究发现,烟民倾向于集体戒烟,这意味着以小组形式组织的戒烟活动比个人单独戒烟更见成效。(cessation program)
The research finds that smokers tend to quit in groups, which means smoking cessation programs should work best if they focus on groups rather than individuals.
3) 随着ATC协议于2005年1月1日终止,纺织品服装贸易将最终纳入世贸组织自由贸易体制中。(termination)
With the termination of the ATC agreement on January 1st, 2005, trade in textiles and clothing will be fully integrated into the multilateral trading system of WTO.
4) 它还能帮助你对自己的情绪和思想感到更多的控制,帮助你改善态度、健康和幸福感。(sense of well-being)
It can also help you feel more in control of your emotions and thoughts and help improve your attitude, health, and sense of well-being.
5) 我通常都不会接受迟到的申请,既然你病的厉害,我今天就破例。(make an exception)
I don't usually accept late applications, but since you were so sick I'll make an exception.
6) 这些著名大学并未禁止所有游客进入,仅仅是对特定访客团队的人数增加了些限制。(turn away)
The famous Universities are not trying to turn away all the visitors, but merely adding some restrictions on the number of certain groups of visitors. 7) 我的发现为两种说法都提供了一点想法。(add…wrinkle to) My findings add a new wrinkle to each scenario.
8) 由于2007年底政府竭力避免经济出现过热,银行贷款较为疲弱,因此很难对数据进行比较。(tricky)
Bank lending was weak in late 2007 when the government was trying to prevent the economy from overheating, which makes comparisons tricky. Uint 2
1)过去五年间,老百姓的实际可支配收入几乎翻了一番,年均增长率超过10%。(disposable income)
Real disposable income has nearly doubled in the past five years and is growing by more than 10% per year.
2) 我们在此受到了隆重的接待和热情的款待,我再次非常愉快地向我们的筹委会表示深深的谢意。(generous)
It gives me great pleasure to express once again to our host my deep appreciation for the grand reception and generous hospitality we enjoy here.
3)然而现在,许多国家正相当认真地考虑这件事情,特别是在科学家们发出警告之后。科学家们认为人类将在耗尽粮食之前首先耗尽淡水资源。 (outgrow) But now it is being considered quite seriously by many nations, especially since scientists have warned, that the human race will outgrow its fresh water supply faster than it runs out of food.
4) 然而,政府削减排放量的努力并未因为“限制和交易”计划在国会中的搁浅而
终止。(call a complete halt to)
The demise of cap and trade in Congress, however, does not call a complete halt to the administration's efforts to cut emissions.
5)自那以来,尽管一些楼盘的挂牌价已下滑了15%,但它总共仅卖出了一套房子。(a grand total of )
Since then, it has sold a grand total of one flat, although the list prices on some buildings have slipped 15 per cent.
6) 相对于传统产品通胀,资产泡沫可能危险性更大,因为从表面看,它们是健康的信号:价值提升会拉动实体经济,进而将泡沫吹得更大。(insidious) Asset bubbles can be more insidious than traditional product inflation, because they seem to be a sign of health: higher values lift the real economy, which in turn can send the bubbles higher.
7) 参加这样一个伟大的、有历史意义的运动的机会真是千载难逢。(partake in) The chance to partake in such a great historic movement doesn't come every day. 8)不要为了辞职而辞职,除非先考虑好这将如何影响你的经济。(for the sake of) Don't quit for the sake of quitting unless you've thought about how it will impact you financially. Uint 3
Just like America during its take-off in the late 19th century, emerging economies tend to be subject to economic ups and downs.
2) 隋唐时期,由于社会相对稳定,经济的发展,生活水平的提升,人们更加注重生活的品质越来越多的关注。饮酒成为唐代特殊的文化现象,酒文化格外繁盛。 In the rein of the Sui and Tang Dynasties, relative stability of society, economic growth and improvement of living conditions lead up to people's increasing attention on the quality of life.
3) 这种措施可以支持由失业保险或残疾保险提供的安全网,以帮助家庭渡过难关。
This measure could support the safety net offered by unemployment insurance or disability insurance to help families weather bad times.
First, to win tenure in a US university, you need to publish in prestigious peer-reviewed journals.
5) 在成长的过程中,为了获得成功,欢乐以及所有向往的美好事物,你往往会不止一次的跌倒,划伤膝盖。
When trying to grow it's easy to stumble more than once and scratch your knees on your way to success, happiness,expansion of consciousness and all that good stuff.
6) 让我们审视15年所取得的成就,让我们期待一个人人权利平等和并共享进步的美好未来。
As we look back on 15 years of achievement, let us look forward to a world of equality and progress for all.
7) 如果政府不能谨慎行事,最终导致制造业出口游说团体再次控制政府政策的局面。
If governments are not careful, this will end up with manufacturing export
lobbies once again seizing control of government policy.
8) 不顺利的逆境,要靠刻服勇气,不顺心的人事,要靠雅量包容。
With courage we can conquer adversity; with magnanimity, we can tolerate unhappy relationships. Uint 4
1) 右翼民主党人本·尼尔森在本周推进了一项类似的修正案,但是没能获得所需要的60票。(put forward)
Ben Nelson, a right-wing Democrat , put forward a similar amendment this week but failed to find the 60 votes needed. 2)在发生这种经济危机的时候,我们的首要任务应当是非常清楚地表明我们要做什么。(priority)
At a time of this economic crisis, our priority should be very clear about what we need to do.
3)而通胀的爆发会通过降低抵押贷款的实际价值来加速还款的过程。(speed up) A burst of inflation would speed up this process by eroding the real value of mortgages.
The Law authorizes the anti-money laundering administrative system to promulgate legislation to support and promote anti-money laundering.
5)如果您能针对此点说明贵公司对这类产品的行销策略,我会非常感激。(in this regard)
In this regard , I would appreciate it if you could kindly explain your marketing strategy of these kind of products.
6) 中国还需要加强教育和公共卫生,以减轻家庭负担,利用储蓄来支付这些服务等金融改革。(beef up)
China also needs to beef up education and public health to reduce the burden on savings families use to pay for such services, among other financial reforms. 7)由于欧洲人担忧僵硬的标准可能会放缓贷款和阻碍经济复苏,巴塞尔的谈判已经放慢。(hinder)
Negotiations in Basel have slowed as Europeans fret that stiffening standards may slow lending and hinder economic recovery.
These measures would slow, rather than accelerate, population growth in impoverished regions, thereby easing the economic and environmental strains that bulging population are imposing on them. Uint 5
1) 英国全称大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国,是由英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰组成的联合王国。(consist of)
The full name of Great Britain is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which consists of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
2) 英国位于欧洲大陆西北面,英国本土位于大不列颠群岛。国土面积24.36万平方公里,人口约6000万。(be located)
The United Kingdom is located in Northwestern part of Europe with a territory of 243,600 square km and a population of 60,000,000 people. 3) 你只要讲清事实,千万不要添枝加叶.(embellish)
Just tell the truth and don’t embellish the story by any means. 4) 英格兰的君主政体在英国文化中起重要作用。(monarchy)
The monarchy in England plays an important role in British culture. 5)这个剧本是当代城市生活的生动写照。(contemporary) This play is the image of contemporary urban life.
6) 政府已提出一项在公众场所饮酒为非法的议案。(outlaw)
The government has proposed a bill to outlaw drinking in public .
7) 他和他的绿林好汉们抢夺途经舍伍德森林的有钱的游客。(\"merry men\") He and his group of Merry Men robbed wealthy travelers passing through Sherwood Forest.
8) 模式化的印象是一群人对于事物的简化的、普遍的想法。(stereotype) A stereotype is a simplified and generalized idea about a group of people. Uint 6
1) 许多博客和电子邮件作者可能不再享受匿名保护。(anonymity) Many bloggers and other e-mailers may lose protective anonymity.
Financial crises can pose such a threat to national incomes because of the way they erode national wealth.
3) 在西方国家产业革命以后中国变得落后了,一个重要的原因就是闭关自守。 After the Industrial Revolution in western countries, China lagged behind. One of the most important reasons is its closed-door policy.
4) 中国政府应出台改善生活水平的政策,而不仅仅是投资于基础设施。(infrastructure)
The Chinese government should introduce policies that improve living standards, rather than just invest in infrastructure.
5)这就是士兵们从被占领的城镇掠夺来的所有东西。(loot) It was all the loot taken by soldiers from the captured town.
6) 公司之所以建立起这样的威望就是因为他们通过自己的激励措施吸引一些高素质的人才。(high-profile)
A lot of prestige the company has built is because they have attracted some high-profile employees with their incentives.
7) 我们所做的跟你们一样就是尽力去改善它。(ameliorate)
What we are doing is just like you, trying our best to ameliorate it. 8)这些思想都强调了一个关于群体智慧的重要真理,即只有在个体成员行动负责并能做出自己的决定的条件下,群体才能更具智慧。(underline)
Such thoughts underline an important truth about collective intelligence: Crowds tend to be wise only if individual members act responsibly and make their own decisions. Uint 7
1) 切勿在过完一天之后才发现计划全无进展。你应将热忱培养成一种习惯,而习惯要不断加强。(reinforcement)
Never let a day pass without devoting some time furthering your plan. You are developing enthusiasm as a habit , and habits require reinforcement .
2) 假如财富用占领的土地来评估的话,成吉思汗(Genghis Khan)将被列为从未有过的世界上最富有的人。 (rank…as )
If wealth were measured by lands conquered , Genghis Khan would rank as one of the wealthiest people ever .
3) 造成他们生活贫困的主要原因是收入低、失业、高房租、医疗费用高。 Living in poverty was attributed to low incomes , unemployment , high housing rent , high medical bills.
4) 有效推动家长参与要经历解冻期、推行期、巩固期等不同阶段,不可一蹴即至。( parental involvement )
Effective implementation of parental involvement may experience three different stages : unfreezing stage , implementing stage , and refreezing stage . It can not happen overnight.
5) 然而,异装行为并不一定代表变性身份,异装行为的人并不一定就是把自己归入异性的行列。(identify as )
However , transvestism does not necessarily indicate transgender identity ; a person who cross-dresses is not always identified as being of the opposite gender . 6) 当消费者购买物品不只是为了其使用功能,而开始将之视为某种象徵意义时,我们无可避免地进入了消费时代。 (place emphasis on )
When consumers begin to place emphasis on symbolic meaning of goods besides practical function , we have inevitably come to the consumption age . 7) 在你实施这一计划之前,应对市场需求做深入的了解.
Before you implement your plans, you must have a profound knowledge of markets there.
8) 他们确实提供了大部分的就业机会,但是他们也同时占用了大部分失业率。 (account for )
They do indeed offer most new jobs, but they also account for most job losses. Uint 8
1)随着全球各地的人罹患皮肤癌的比率不断攀升,愈来愈多人擦防晒乳。( creep upward)
As skin cancer rates around the globe creep upward, more and more people are reaching for sunscreen.
2) FAO报告指出,本次会议应该就推进当地粮食生产和增加投资以刺激生产达成一致。( boost )
The FAO report says the conference should agree on plans to boost local food production and increase investments to stimulate production.
3)大多数时候,你的医生将建议并开出针对减轻疼痛的特殊处方。( prescribe ) Doctors are able to provide more accurate diagnoses and prescribe more effective treatments most of the time.
4) 如果说有什么不同的话,那就是香港作为金融中心的地位在不断上升。(if anything )
If anything, Hong Kong's status as a financial centre has continued to climb. 5)虽然你读过这本书,但问题的关键是你没有用批评的眼光去分析它。(The point is that…)
You have read the book all right, but the point is that you haven't studied it critically.
6)农场经营应该在监测和控制方面保持警戒,因为动物还是可能最终把一个变体细菌影响到人的健康系统。(be vigilant about )
Farming operations should be vigilant about surveillance and containment since animals could end up putting a strain on the human health system. 7)肥胖会导致血液输出量增加,因为心脏不得不供更多的血液给这一多余组织。(pump out)
Obesity leads to a greater output of blood because the heart has to pump out
more blood to supply the excess tissue.
8)与行业协会保持联系。查查你在行业组织或工会的会员权利。 (check out ) Check out your membership rights with trade groups or union