
Employee Referral Program



1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

PURPOSE .............................................................................................................. 3 SCOPE ................................................................................................................... 3 TERMS AND ABBREVIATION .............................................................................. 3 PROCEDURE AND PROCESS FLOW .................................................................. 3 APPLICABLE DOCUMENTS ................................................................................. 4 ARCHIVING ............................................................................................................ 4

1. Purpose

In order to motivate each employee to propose potential external candidates and to broaden recruitment channels, increase the effiency of relevant personnel information collection and reduce recruitment costs, in addition to the regular recruitment channels, a standard recommendation systemis introduced in this procedure so as to encourage all employees to recommend candidates.

2. Scope

The documented procedure applies to XXXX company.

3. Terms and Abbreviations

HR – Human Resource

4. Procedures and Flowcharts

4.1 Recommendation process

1. Recruitment notice is periodically released on external recruitment websites or company intranet by HR department.

2. Recommenders provide candidate‘s personnal basic information including education background and related work experiences for HR department.

3. HR department review the resume and perform the interview process for the candidates.

4. HR department perform background investigation for the candidates. 5. HR department feedback the results to the recommenders.

4.2 Recommendation principles

1. All employees can remommend candidates.

2. The candidate must have a doctor‘s degree, or have a bachelor’s or master’s degree with a few years’workingexpenrience.

3. The recommended vancant position must be an engineer or above, and from Design, CAE, Development & Calibration, Project Management, Mechanical, Resident Engineer and Sales.

4. The recruitment of recommended candidate depends on the candidates’ competence, experience and good personality with commitment to company culture.

5. Recommendations for candidates currently working for one of company’s clients will only be accepted after prior consultation with the management/ececutive board.

6. Someone else has previously referraled the same employee. Only the designee with the first submission is eligible to receive the bonus.

7.Should the candidate satisfy any of the following situations, these candidates shall not be considered for recommendation employment:  Immediate family members

 Internal employee who is interested in this position

 Abnormal turnover employees, including but not limited to, service contract terminated by company, seriously bad performance records, failed to pass the probation review and suspense of license for violating regulations

 The application has been previously approached by HR or the applicant’s resume has been submitted by other sources such as advertisement, Head Hunting agencies, job fairs, etc;

4.3 Bonus

1. If the new hire staff passes his/her probation period successfully. The referring employee will receive a bonus (RMB XXXX), which will be paid with payroll in the month. 2. Empolyee directly in charge of the selection of applicants and of personnel decisions regarding the respective position are exempt from the program as are manager (i.e. team leaders/ line managers or principle engineers) and HR department will also be no bonus paid.

5. Applicable Document


6. Archiving

