My Weekend 我的周末
I think everyone likes weekend. Because its time for relax and fun. Now I want to talk about my weekend.
我想每个人都喜爱周末,因为这是放松和玩耍的时间。如今我想谈谈我的周末。 I often spend Saturday for fun. Such as playing basketball with my friends, watching movies and TV shows, having a trip with family and so on. 星期六我通常用来玩,比方和伴侣打篮球,看电影和电视节目,和家人旅行等等。 And I always spend Sunday for homework and have some rest. Sometimes I visit my grandparents with my parents. Its very interesting to visit them. 星期天我通常用来做作业和休息。有时候我会和父母去探望爷爷奶奶。探望他们是件很好玩的事。
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