

2023-01-26 来源:九壹网

科目名稱 公共政策理論與發展 Theory and Development of Public Policy 先修科目 無 授課教師 郭昱瑩 yykuo@cc.shu.edu.tw 開課年級 博一 學分數 3 每週授課時數 3 開 課 別 一學期課程 修 習 別 必修 教學目標 1. 了解公共政策相關的知識及歷史。 2. 探討公共政策過程、議題相關理論與實務。 3. 認識學術界關於公共政策的巨著與原典。 4. 課程內容包含(一)公共政策的定義;(二)公共政策的歷史;(三)公共政策的研究途徑;(四)公共政策與政策分析(兼論公共政策過程);(五)政策議題探討;(六)公共政策現況與未來。 This course explores the intellectual foundations and history of public policy. It is also designed to understand the theories and applications of public policy. The course will be divided into six main topics: 1) the definition of public policy; 2) the paradigm of public policy; 3) the approaches to studying public policy; 4) public policy and policy analysis; 5) policy issues discussion; 6) contemporary and future public policy. 授課方式 1. 每週上課交問題與心得(五頁以內,採政策備忘錄模式,經典用語摘要)。 2. 每週上課由一位同學負責課程進行。 3. 問題討論與重點歸納。 成績評定 課堂參與:30%;心得:20%;兩份報告:50% 第一份報告:選一公共政策理論,進行國內外文獻回顧。 第二份報告:選一公共政策議題,由這門課所學相關方法、論點,予以評析討論,內容包含:問題背景、政策議程、政策方案、政策選定、政策合法化、政策執行、政策評估等,需進行實證研究,參與觀察至少兩次、深度訪談至少五位、問卷至少三十份、其餘方式請與老師討論。


週次 9/20 9/27 10/4 10/11 10/18 10/25 11/1 11/8 11/15 11/22 11/29 12/6 12/13 12/20 12/27 1/3 1/10 1/17


1. 公共政策理論、研究與概念I

Lasswell, H. D.,. 1971, “The Evolution of The Policy Sciences,” A pre-View of Policy

Scinces, American Elsevier, pp. 1-13

Lasswell, H. D.,. 1970, “The Emerging Conception of The Policy Sciences,” Policy

Sciences, 1(1), pp. 3-14

Anderson, J. E. Brady, D. W., & Bullock,III C., 1978, “Introduction to Policy Study,”

Public Policy and Politics in America, Duxbury Press.

Greenberg, G. D., Miller, J. A., Mohr, L. B., & Vladeck, B. C., 1977, “Developing

Public Policy Theory: perspective form empirical research,” The American

進 度 內 容 課程介紹 1. 公共政策理論、研究與概念I 1. 公共政策理論、研究與概念I 2. 公共政策理論、研究與概念II 3. 問題界定 4. 議程設定 5. 政策分析 6. 決策分析 7. 政治可行性 8. 經濟可行性 9. 政策執行 10. 政策網絡 11. 政策評估 11. 政策評估 12. 政策變遷 13. 民主與公共政策 14. 期刊論文 第一份報告口頭報告、第二份報告口頭報告 2

Political Science Review, 71(4) pp.1532-43

2. 公共政策理論、研究與概念II

Brewer, G. D., & DeLeon, P., 1983, “The Policy Process,” The Foundation Policy

Analysis, Brooks/Cole, pp.17-21

Jenkins, W. I., 1978, “Policy and Policy Analysis: model and approaches,” Policy

Analysis: A Political and Organizational Perspective, Martin Robertson, pp.15-25

Rein, M.,& White S. H., 1977, “Policy Research: Belief and doubt,” Policy Analysis,

3(2), pp.239-71

Recommended: Benson, J. K., 1982, “A Framework for Policy Analysis,” Interorganizational

Coordination: Theory, Research and Implementation, Iowa State University Press, pp.137-176 & “Works Cited”, pp.186-201

3. 問題界定

Simon, H. A., 1973, “The Structure of Ill Structured Problems,” Artificial Intelligence,

4, pp.181-201

Bardach E., 1981, “Problems of Problem Definition in Policy Analysis,” Research in

Public Policy analysis and Management, 1, pp.161-71

Dunn, W. N., 1988, “Methods of the Second Type: coping with the wilderness of

conventional policy analysis,” Policy Studies Review, 7(4) pp.720-37

4. 議程設定

Peter, B. G.., 1993, “Agenda Setting and Public Policy” American Public Policy:

Promise and Performance, Chatham House, pp.41-66

Kingdon, J. W., 1984, “Wrapping Things Up,” Agendas, Alternatives, and Public

Policies, Little, Brown, and Company, pp.205-18

Downs, A., 1972, “Up and Down With Ecology: The “issue-attention cycle,” The

Public Interest, 28, pp.38-50

5. 政策分析


Lindblom C. E., 1959, “The Science of “Muddling Through”,” Public Administration

Review, 19, pp.79-88

Etzioni, A., 1967, “Mixed-Scanning: A “third” approach to decision-making,” Public

Administration Review, 27, pp.385-92

Gregory, R., 1989, “Political Rationality or “Incrementalism”? Charles E. Lindblom’s

enduring contribution to public policy making theory,” Policy and Politics, 17(29), pp.169-53

Recommended: Quade, E. S., 1989, “A Basic Framework for Policy Analysis,” Analysis for Public

Decisions, 3rd ed, North-Holland, pp.44-68

6. 決策分析

Allison, G. T., 1971, “Essence of Decision: introduction and conclusion,” Essence of

Decision: Explaining the Cuban Missile Crisis, Little, Brown and Company, pp.1-9 & pp.245-63

Dror, Y., 1968, “The Phases of the Optimal Model,” Public Policymaking

Reexamined, Chandler, pp.163-96

Cohen, M. D., March, J. G., & Olsen, J. P., 1972, “A Garbage Can Model of

Organizational Choice,” Administrative Science Quarterly, 17(1), pp.1-25

Recommended: Turoff, M., 1970, “The Design of a Policy Delphi” Technological Forecasting and

Social Change, 2, pp.149-71

7. 政治可行性

Meltsner, A. J., 1972, “Political Feasibility and Policy Analysis,” Public

Administration Review, (November/December), pp.859-67

Behn, R. D., 1981, “Policy Analysis and Policy Politics,” Policy Analysis, 7(2),


Wildavsky, A., 1987, “Between Planning and Politics: Intellect vs. interaction as analysis,” Speaking Truth to Power, Transaction Publishers, ch.5, pp.114-41


Recommended: Meltsner, A. J., 1975, “Bureaucratic Policy Analysts,” Policy Analysis, 1, pp.115-31

8. 經濟可行性

Haveman, R. H.,& Weisbord B.A., 1975, “Defining Benefits of Public Programs:

some guidance for policy analysts,” Policy Analysis, 1, pp.169-96


Recommended: Wildavsky, A., 1966, “The Political Economy of Efficiency: cost-benefit analysis,

systems analysis, and Program budgeting,” Public Administration Review,

26(4), pp.292-310

9. 政策執行

Van Meter, D. S., & Van Horn, C. E., 1975, “The Policy Implementation Process: A

conceptual framework,” Administration and Society, 6(4), pp.445-88

Browne, A., & Wildavsky, A., 1983, “Implementation as Mutual Adaptation,”

Implementation, University of California Press, pp.206-31

Mazmanian, D. A., & Sabatier, P. A., 1983, “A Framework for Implementation

Analysis,” Implementation and Public Policy, Scott, Foresman and Company, pp.18-48

Sabatier, P. A., 1986, “Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Implementation

Research: A critical analysis and suggested synthesis,” Journal of Public Policy, 6(1), pp.21-48

10. 政策網絡

Heclo, H., 1978, “Issue Networks and the Executive Establishment,” The New

American Political System, American Enterprise Institute, pp.88-124

Milward, H. B., & Francisco, R. A., 1983, “Subsystem Politics and Corporatism in

The United States,” Policy and Politics, 11, pp.273-93


Rhodes, R. A. W., 1997, “Policy Networks in British Political Science,”

Understanding Governance: Policy Networks, Governance, Reflexivity and Accountability, Open University Press, pp.29-45

11. 政策評估

Dye, T. R., 1992, “Policy Evaluation: Finding out what happens after a law is passed,”

Understanding Public Policy, 7th ed, Prentice-Hall, pp.352-75

Rossi, P. H. & Freeman, H. E., 1993, “A Brief History of Evaluation Research,”

Evaluation: A Systematic Approach, 5th ed, pp.9-27

Wolman, H., 1981, “The Determinants of Program Success and Failure,” Journal of

Public Policy, 1, pp.433-464

Guba, E. G. & Lincole, Y. S., 1989, “What is Fourth Generation Evaluation? Why

Should We Choose to Practice It?,” Fourth Generation Evaluation, Sage Publications, pp.50-78

Wildavsky, A., 1979, “The Self-Evaluating Organization,” Speaking Truth to Power:

The Art and Craft of Policy Analysis, Transaction Publishers, pp.212-37

12. 政策變遷

Hogwood, B. W., & Peters, B. G., 1982, “The Dynamics of Policy Change: policy

succession” Policy Science, 14(3) pp.225-45

Sabatier, P. A., 1988, “An Advocacy Coalition Framework of Policy Change and The

Role of Policy-Oriented Learning Therein,” Policy Sciences, 21, pp.129-68



13. 民主與公共政策

Majone, G.., 1988, “Policy Analysis and Public Deliberation,” Robert B. Reich (ed),

The Power of Public Ideas, Harvard University Press, pp.157-78


DeLeon, P., 1995, “Democratic Values and The Policy Sciences,” American Journal

of Political Science, 39(4), pp.886-905

Lowi, T. J., 1978, “The New Public Philosophy: Interest-group liberalism,” The End

of Liberalism: The Second Republic of the United States, 2nd edn, W. W. Norton, pp.42-63

Weiss, C. H. 1983, “Ideology, Interests, and Information: The Basis of policy

positions,” Callahan, D., & Jennings, B.,(eds) Ethics, the Social Sciences, and Policy Analysis, Plenum Press, pp.213-45

14. 期刊論文

George A. Boyne, Julian S. Gound-Williams, Jennifer Law, Richard M. Walker. 2004

Toward the Self-Evaluating Organization? An Empirical Test of the Wildavsky Model. Public Administration Review. July/August.

Carol Chetkovich. 2003. What’s in a Sector? The Shifting Career Plans of Public

Policy Students. Public Administration Review. November/December.


Recommended: 丘昌泰,民84年,公共政策。巨流。 丘昌泰,民89年,公共政策:基礎篇。巨流。

丘昌泰、余致力、羅清俊、張四明、李允傑,民90年,政策分析。空大。 伍啟元,民77年,公共政策下策 政策分析 臺灣商務。 朱志宏,民72年,公共政策概論。五南。 朱志宏,民80年,公共政策。三民。

余致力、陳敦源、郭昱瑩、毛壽龍,民96年,公共政策。智勝。 吳定,民87年,公共政策辭典。五南。 吳定,民92年,公共政策。空大。 吳惠林,民83年,公共政策停看聽。翰蘆。 李允傑、丘昌泰,民88年,政策執行與評估。空大。 林水波,民73年,政策分析評論。五南。 林水波,民88年,公共政策新論。智勝。 林水波,民88年,公共政策論衡。智勝。 林水波、張世賢,民80年,公共政策。五南。

林翰譯,民84年,公共政策Q&A。風雲論壇。(可作考試準備用) 翁興利,民85年,公共政策:知識應用與政策制定。商鼎。 翁興利等,民87年,公共政策。空大。

張世賢,民79年,公共政策-林布隆。風雲論壇。 張明貴,民87年,政策分析。五南。 曹俊漢,民79年,公共政策。三民。

郭昱瑩,民91年,公共政策:決策輔助模型個案分析。智勝。 湯絢章 譯,民68年,公共政策制定。幼獅。 詹中原,民92年,新公共政策。華泰。 詹中原主編,民83年,權力遊戲規則。五南。


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