专利名称:Subsurface safety valve having a
communication tool accessible non annularhydraulic chamber
发明人:Stuart M. Dennistoun,Roddie Robert
Smith,Imre I. Gazda
摘要:A tubing retrievable safety valve () having a non annular hydraulic chamber () in a
sidewall portion thereof is operable to received a communication tool () therein such thatrelative rotation between at least a portion of the communication tool () and the tubingretrievable safety valve () is substantially prevented. The communication tool () isoperable to create a fluid passageway () between the non annular hydraulic chamber ()and the interior of the tubing retrievable safety valve () by penetrating through thesidewall portion and into the non annular hydraulic chamber (). Thereafter, when awireline retrievable safety valve () is positioned within the tubing retrievable safety valve(), hydraulic fluid is communicatable thereto through the fluid passageway ().
申请人:Stuart M. Dennistoun,Roddie Robert Smith,Imre I. Gazda
地址:Carrollton TX US,Cypress TX US,Fort Worth TX US