

2020-04-07 来源:九壹网


学 生:李 霞


摘 要:解析几何中的最值问题具有综合性强、涉及知识面广而且常含有变量的一类难题,也是数学中的一个难点.解决这类问题往往利用函数与方程思想、数形结合思想、转化与化归等数学思想方法,将其转化为解不等式或求函数值域,以及利用函数单调性、建立几何模型的思想来解决.本文就通过具体问题分析,对解析几何中常见的最值问题进行系统研究.我们首先通过对解析几何中最常见的几类最值问题进行研究,我们找到了一些解最值问题最常用的方法,然后我们通过进一步的观察总结又找到了解最值问题的特殊方法.


The Study of the Extreme Value in Analytic Geometry

By Li Xia

Guided by Ren Quanhong

Abstract : The extreme value in Analytic geometry is a kind of difficulty in math study because of its strong comprehension ,vivid knowledge and usual varieties . To solve this problem , inequalities and the value of field of function should be found under the methods of combination of numbers and shapes , the construction of models or the monotonicity of function and so on . This paper is to

make a systematic study on the extreme value according to a series of specific analysis . Firstly the common methods could be gotten after analyzing some different fields of this problem, and then the special solutions after further observation.

Key words :analytic geometry; the extreme value; the function
