







在本篇文章里,我会告诉你一些如何使他人信服的技巧。 为什么人们不相信你?


与他们的固有观念不符 :如果一个人从未见过苹果,那么你很容易地就可以使他相信你手中的橘子就是所谓的苹果。但是当人们对你所说的事已经有所了解的话,那么你就需要一些额外的步骤来改变他们已有的观念(详见 价值观系统)

他们觉得懂得远比你多 :如果一个人觉得自己在某一方面懂得比你要多的时候,你会很难使他在那一个方面的问题中相信你。如果一个人标榜自己为专家,那么他就更不会相信你,因为你的观点在他看来都是荒谬无理的。

怀疑主义者 :怀疑主义者的人质疑任何对他们来说陌生的事,这也就是为什么要使他们相信你,你需要额外的步骤了。

动摇他们的自信 :昨天在我看电视的时候,我看到了一个像是偷拍复制一样的老套节目,但是不同的是,他们采访完一位明星后,随机选取了一些粉丝让他们不断地说一些这个明星事业上失败的地方。大多数明星听到第三个粉丝说这样的话时就会很受挫了。如果我们对这个节目做一些总结的话,那就是,你可以使任何一个人动摇,如果你表现得足够自信或是有充分的理由。

重复 :在我的一本叫《如何使别人爱上你》的书中,我解释过了不断对别人重复某个观点的重要性,这样有助于使他人相信你。你认为可口可乐公司为什么要花大价钱在做广告上?仅仅是让我们知道他们的品牌吗?当然不是这样的,我们都知道可口可乐。它主要的目的是为了吸引看到广告而买他们产品的顾客。你可以通过不断重复你的观点来使他人相信你。

消除人们思维上的阻碍 :有时候,一个人不相信一件事,是因为他有三个或许更多的不同的看法。你必须首先问这个人,为什么他不相信你,并且让他告诉你一个理由。如果你针对他的观点给他做了逻辑性的分析后,他放下了第一个理由,找来了第二个理由,你再给他分析,随之而来的是更多的理由,你不断地给他分析,直到他再也找不出理由为止。你多次重复自己的观点之后,他便会相信你了。

你的观点有所支撑 :你可以通过图标,数据或者是调查研究的方式来支撑你的观点。你觉得我为什么总是要列一些参考书目来说明?为的是提供证据让那些怀疑论者相信这个网站是值得信赖的(详见 社会证明理论)

怀疑论者是好人 :怀疑论者不是坏人,只是要使他们信服要拿出比使一般人信服要多的证据。你要有足够的耐心给他们提供他们想要的,那样他们就会相信你了。

相信你自己 :如果你的话自己听起来都很动摇,对自己所说的没有百分之百的把握的话,那么反作用就会发生,你的观点会被他人的观点所取代!!!在使他人信服之前,你还是找足你观点的理由,使你能够足够相信自己。(详见 相信自己)

使用肢体语言 :挺直的腰板,明显的手势还有很好的眼神交流都能表明你值得信赖。那么就用这些肢体语言去征服那些动摇的心吧!

How to make people believe you




We all want others to believe us especially when we tell the truth but in many cases we fail to convince people to believe us because we lack the proper convincing skills.

Contrary to common beliefs people might not believe you even if you are telling the truth. I am sure you faced a situation where you were completely honest yet had a hard time trying to convince your friends to believe you.

In this article I will tell you about few techniques that can surely help you in making people believe you. Why don’t people believe you?

In order to make people believe you then you must first understand the reasons that are preventing them from believing you. One or more of the following could be the reason people don’t believe you: Going against their beliefs: If someone never saw an apple then you can easily convince him that an orange is an apple. When people have already existing beliefs then you will need an extra step to convince them which is shaking their existing beliefs. (see The belief system)

believing they know more: its much harder to convince someone to believe you if he thinks that he knows more than you about that subject. If a person regards himself as an expert and your ideas sounded irrational then he won’t believe you

Skeptics: Skeptic people question everything that is new to them and that’s why you need an additional step when trying to make them believe you

How to make people believe you, shake their beliefs and sound really convincing

Here is a list of techniques that can be used to make people believe you, the more techniques you use the more likely people will believe you:

Shaking their beliefs: Yesterday I was watching TV and I came across a program that is similar to candid camera but the only difference is that they interview a famous star then allow some random fans to keep saying that the star is completely unsuccessful in his career. Most stars had their self confidence shaken right after listening to the third fan. If we can make one conclusion from this program it would be that you can shake anyone’s self confidence and beliefs if you sounded confident enough and had enough evidence.

Repetition: In my book How to make someone fall in love with you I explained how the continues repetition of a certain idea can easily allow it to turn into a belief. Why do you think The Coca-Cola company spends millions on advertising? To let us become aware of their brand? Of course that's not right, we all know about coke but the main reason is to program the minds of those watching the ads to buy coke. You can convince anyone to believe you by constantly repeating yourself. (see Subconscious mind programming

Remove the mental barriers: sometimes a person won’t believe in something because he has three or more opposing ideas. You must first ask the person why doesn’t he believe you and then let him tell you about the first excuse. If you provided a logical explanation he will put aside the first excuse then face you with the second one and so on until he runs out of excuse. At this point repeat your words few times and he will surely believe you.

Back up: Back your words by charts, statistics, number and research findings. Why do think I display a hit counter on the top left of each page of 2knowmsyelf? To provide evidence to the skeptics that this website is trust worthy (see Social proof theory)

Skeptics are good people: Skeptics aren’t evil but they just need some more evidence than normal people, be patient and provide them with what they want in order for them to believe you

Believe in yourself: If you sounded shaky or if you were not 100% sure of what you were saying then the opposite might happen and your own beliefs might be shaken!!! Seek your answers and make sure of your beliefs before trying to convince others to believe in them. (see Believing in yourself

Use Body language: In body language having a straight back, visible palms and strong eye contact shows that you are trustworthy so make sure you send these signals to the subconscious mind of the person you are trying to convince.
