
新标准大学英语 第二版 综合教程 参考答案

2023-07-25 来源:九壹网
Unit 1

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1 C

First reading Task 2 BCCDCA

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.attendance 2.ambitious 3.productive 4.resistance 5.script 6.acceptance

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.mortgage 2.deck 3.surf

4.(1)coastal (2) defy 5.clamped 6.criticized 7.hauled 8.preceding

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BABBB BABB

Active reading 2

First reading Task

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1. (1)elapsed (2) cemetery

2. (1)rear (2) crammed 3triple

4. (1)budding (2) biography 5.finite 6.dwellers 7.invest 8.skip 9.inevitable

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 ABAAA BAAAB BAABB BA

Guided writing Writing Task 1 1-b,2-c,3-a Writing Task 2 1-c,2-a,3-b

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.ingenious 2.promotion 3.surf 4.provisiona 5.Chronologically 6.ambitious 7.Inevitably 8.skip

9.impromptu 10.resistance 11.untimely 12.defy

13.permanently 14.attendance 15.prologue 16.allot 17.acceptance 18.uncertainty 19.productive 20.humiliation

Section B 21.on 22.out 23.for 24.to 25.about 26.in 27.of 28.at 29.out 30.under

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.promotion 32.transition 33.sidelines 34.lengthy 35.rear 36.dwellers 37.mortgage 38.finite

39.budding 40.coastal

Part III: Reading Comprehension CBDDA

Unit 2

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1

1.The parents couldn't afford to give the children expensive

presents,so they would buy presents after Christmas at a reduced price.


Other children's parents told them that their presents were left

by Santa Claus and made in the North Pole.In fact,the presents were made in Japan and left by the parents.

3.They celebrated Christmas about a week later,because at that they could get Christmas trees,wrapping paper,decorations,and presents more cheaply,or even for free.

4.One child went into the desert with the father each time.

5.They went to see the stars because the father wanted to\"give\" each

child a star or planet.He said that these were their Christmas presens.

6.According to the father,the stars didn't belong to anyone,so they could be claimed by the children.

7.Betelgeuse and Rigel are stars,while Venus is a planet,not a star. Venus is smaller than a star and doesn't make its own light.

8.The stars last much longer than toys.The father says that when


the toys are all broken and forgotten,the stars will still exist.

First reading Task 2 C

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.twinkle 2.horizon 3.deceive 4.layer

5.descendants 6.magnetic

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.marbles 2.junk 3.label 4.mythical 5.logical

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 B A B B A A A Active reading 2 First reading Task 1

1.expected to be good and industrious

2.developing a process of acquiring thought,reason and understanding

3.regularly beaten and told off by parents and older siblings until they develop social competence,seen as being very naughty.

4.trcated with great care and reverence,believed that they are in contact with the spirit world.

5.seen as incompetent and irresponsible; playing not working,going to labouring,consumption instead of production

6.competent and responsible; expected to work

7.competent and responsible; girls expected to work from a young age, be married and have children at 12 or 13; boys have fewer responsibilities and get married later

First reading Task 2


Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.contact 2.harsh 3.consumers 4.knitting 5.colonies

6.take exception to 7.impose 8.perspect ive 9.intervene

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.continual 2.dependent on 3.ethnic

school not

4.largely 5.outsiders 6.reluctance 7.external

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 A A A B A B B A

Language in use Task 1

1.The star ofthe play is a Hollywood actor.

2.I couldn't refuse his offer.

3.Columbus claimed America in the name of Queen Isabella.

4.He touched the hot dish and burmed his fingers.

5.We laughed about all the kids who believed in Santa.

6.Our ideas about childhood have undergone changes over the years.

7.Our view about children is that they are incompetent and dependent.

8.Social anthropologists have questions about the role of childhood in the community.

Task 2

1.irreplaceable 2.irrational 3.unacceptable 4.ineffcient 5.inaccurate 6.unlikely Task 3

The clauses that usually follow rather than are main clauses, subordinate clauses and-ing form clauses. Note: Nouns can also come after rather than. Task 4

1.Rather than celebrating Christmas on December 25,they waited a week.

2.Her father offered her the planet Venus,rather than traditional Christmas present.

3.Venus is a planet,rather than a star.

4.Rather than broken junk,they would always have their stars.

5.Rather than work,a child's li fe today is characterized by play.

6.Parents treat their children with leniency, rather than reasoning with them.

Task 5

1.core competence 2.(1)imposes (2)ban 3.tight-knit

4.(1)knit (2 )brows 5.(1)knit (2) jumper /hat 6.energy consumption Task 6

在西方,做父母的非常了解受父母过度保护的孩子的弱点:这些孩子害怕冒险,缺乏决断力,缺少在现实生活中获得成功的手段; 上大学时,许多人无法较好地适应大学生活的严苛,退学是常有的事。因此,父母非常注重培养孩子独立自主的能力。他们给孩予提供大量的学习独立思考技能的机会,让孩子认识到独立自主的能力可以提升他们在课堂内外的学习效率及表现。此外,他们还给孩子有限的选择,尊重孩子的偏好,帮助孩子出色地完成各项任务,以这种方式鼓励他们独立自主。他们还让孩子参与筹划和决策的过程,让他们提出自己的看法。尤其重要的是,他们鼓励孩子独立完成各项任务一一包括日常家务活,并经 常给予正面的鼓励,避免对他们的行为吹毛求疵。

Task 7

Compared with the childhood of their parents,children now

do enjoy a

far better material life,but their emotional life scems less satisfying.They are less likely to play with their peers,for toys have replaced their

playmates as their most loyal friends.Their parents can always afford to buy them all kinds of expensive toys.The good thing about this is that

they no longer pester their parents to play with them all day long, because toys and video games have lessened their feelings of

loneliness.But there are also negative effects; The child's addiction to toys and video games may cause a eyesight to deteriorate or result in reluctance to communicate with others.These phenomena should demand the attention ofboth parents and schools.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 B A C A C Writing Task 2 A A A A B B Writing Task 3

Mr and Mrs Wang are a couple and both were my teachers when Iwas in secondary school.Mrs Wang taught me English and Mr Wang used to

teach me maths.Because our school was an all-age school,both of them taught me for about seven years.When I heard about Mr Wang's deathI was so sorry,I could only guess what that must mean to Mrs Wang.Iremember the stories Mr Wang would tell in the maths classes, not always about maths,actually,but about life,and these are the kinds of things all of us remember now.WhenI was struggling for

one of the exams,Mr Wang took me for a walk round the playing fields.He told meI was good at maths.Me?I couldn't believe he was saying that.In those daysI was getting such low marks and felt1was a certain failure.\"Look,\" he said,\"you've got ability but you don't really believe it.I'm telling you,not only can you pass maths,you can do very well.\" Well,I did do well.That comment really helped me to turn the corner and there was no problem after that.Sometimes apparently small comments are like gold,and Mr Wang had the art of making those golden.comments.I alsoremember one year Mrs Wang

told me that one of my pictures

from the art class had been sent to the city museum for an exhibition.She was not the art teacher,but her way of telling me the news was like Mr Wang's

comment,a complete turning point.in the A picture from our small school ... pained by me ... in the museum ... how could that be? They two made me believe in museum myselfand gave me a picture of the wholeness of life and of how to be a better person,not just suceed at school subjccts. So

I am really grateful to them.I am working hard here and seem

to be getting on quite well at university.I thinkI will be a teacher or maybe a writer.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.B 2.D 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.D 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.D 19.A 20.A

Section B

Part II: Banked Cloze 21.over 22.to 23.with 24.with 25.on 26.off 27.with 28.of

29.with 30.on

Part III: Reading Comprehension

31.villain 32.largely 33.bizarre 34.resemblance 35.barren 36.giggled 37.helpless 38.whirled 39.blaze 40.twilight 41.C 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.B

Unit 3

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1 BCBBBA

First reading Task 2 CACABB

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.composer 2.constitutes 3.capacity 4.qualified 5.sufficiently 6.rhythm


Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.proclaim 2.analogy 3.clarity

4.for the sake of 5.potent 6.costumes

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercisesTask 3 ABAABAAA

Aetive reading 2

First reading Task 1

1.August 1945 was special for the Americans because it marked the end of the war against Japan and the end of the Second World War.

2.They were looking for an exceptional photo that would capfure the experience of the end of the war for the American public and for future gencrations.

3.He searched the streets ofTimes Square.

4.The square was filled with people celebrating.They were laughing and moving around.

5.The photo came to represent victory at the end of the Second World War.

6.It is so evocative because the photographer took the shot at the most moving mo

ment.Also,it is a romantic image and it appeals to the senses.

7.No,we don't know what happened to them,though viewers made up many theories.

8.It was important because it was published at an optimistic time,with the war ending and the promise of a better life ahead.

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.scenario 2.pose 3.collapse 4.surrenders 5.marvels 6.prosperous 7.await 8.exceeds

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.prominent 2.obliging 3.perception 4.swayi ng 5.distracts 6.multiple 7.suspending 8.devises

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BABAAABA Language in use Task 1 1.songwriter 2.film director 3.headscarf 4.backpack 5.lipstick 6.shoela cc 7nail polish Task 2

1.Swooping in on a shorter woman,the sailor kissed her.

2.Acting impulsively and aiming accurately,he commanded that the camera's shutter close at the most poignant moment.

3.Grabbing the viewer's attention,the photo never seems to let go.

4.Closing her eyes,she was content to remain unaware of her pursuer's id entity.

5.Never know ing the truth,they glossed over the war's miseries and romanticized life.

6.One assumes that the couple will live in a split-level home, driving big

cars and producing lots ofchildren. Task 3

1.Regardless of the task set by the magazine which employed him,the photographer always managed to get the best picture.

2.He kept looking for the photo,regardless of the crowds.

3.Rcgardless of how perfectly the pose of the sailor and the woman was arranged,he didn't have to set up this shot.

4.Regardless of the facts,people know that life will be good from now on.

5.Regardless of what people still remember of photos in the past,this one reminds us that we felt better as a nation and as individuals.

Task 4 1.

(a)It needs to attract more listeners by having more popular programmes.

(b)They are liked by many pcople.

(c) It asks people to give money,probably for a charity.

(d)They would have a special event like a TV broadcast in which they

ask the public to come forward with any relevant information


(a)I have lots of medical qualifications.

(b)It expects people with degrees in engineering and relevant work experience to apply.

(c)They are experts on the topic for which they are asked to give an opinion. 3. (a)

l could get a fine and penalty points if

I were caught speeding.(b)The owner would try to cut spending. (c)They have performed better than expected. 4.

(a)I find it extraordinary. (b)They are good. (c)He is a good father. 5.

(a)I fecl threatened.

(b)It is only thought to be an advantage. (c)No,it is not something I've told him. Task 5 1.marvel at 2.popular appeal 3.fully-qualified 4.(1)pereived (2)as

5.(1)exceeded (2)expectations Task 6

《格尔尼卡》是西班牙艺术家巴勃罗。毕加索1937 年为抗议轰炸西班牙北部一个小村庄而作的一幅巨型壁画。这幅大型壁面高3.49 米,宽7.76 米,展示了暴力和混乱给人和动物带来的苦难以及对建筑物的破坏。令人吃惊的是,整个壁画的色调由灰、黑、白组成,没有用鲜艳的红色来表现血腥的场面,但恐怖的景象却历历在目。画面上的人物并非用写实主义的画法来表现,而是采用立体派和抽象派的画法,但无辜平民惨遭屠杀的惨象却一目了然:一位母亲怀抱死婴,张嘴尖叫,她仰面朝天,伤心欲绝;一位士兵横尺地上,手里还紧握着一把断剑;

另外三个人也都处于震惊和痛苦之中。画面中的动物一一包括匹受伤的马和一只哭泣的鸟一一也都被描绘成这次屠杀的无率受害者。毫无疑问,描绘这些扭曲变形的骇人惨象的目的就是让观众感到震惊。这种对人类悲苦惨状的描绘是对战争的残酷和荒谬的深刻控诉。 Task 7

In the Mogao caves in Dunhuang,the murals with \"flying apsaras\"are one ofthe most well-known artefacts.The flying apsaras in the

Dunhuang Grotto Murals are a product of the intermixing of Indian and Chinese culture.In India,flying cclestial beings called \"flying apsaras\" appear mostly in murals in Buddhist caves,while in the Chinese Daoist tradition,flying cclestial beings are known \"flying immortals\". During the Wei,Jin,and Northerm and as Southern dynasties, when the introduction of Buddhism in China was at an carly stage, people began to use the term \"flying apsaras\" to refer to the

flying immortals in the murals.Later,with the development of Buddhism in China,the artstic images of Buddhist flying apsaras and Daoist

flying immortals merged with each other.The flying apsaras in theDunhuang Grotto Murals are a most ingenious creation of ancient Chinese artists,and a marvel in the history of world art.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 l-c,2-a,3-b

Writing Task 2

Beethoven completely changed the course of Western music,in a number of ways.First,he introduced a new expressive style which became known as\"romantic\".Second,he changed the form of orchestral music,especially the symphony.Third,he pushed the possibilities of solo instruments,such as the piano and the violin, to new limits. He wrote most of his greatest works when he was deaf.

Writing Task 3

1.Among the most renowned painters in contemporary Chinese art are Xu Beihong,Qi Baishi,Zhang Daqian etc.

2.Traditional Chinese painting can be divided into severalcategories: landscape painting,flower and bird painting,and so on.

Writing Task 4

Ifyou are visiting the Chinese Painting Gallery in the Shanghai Museum, you may find that the sheer number of paintings on view is

overwhelming.Perhaps you havejust a limited amount of time and are wondering what to try to take in on a brieftour.One solution is to take a quick look round to get a general impression and then spend more time withjust a few of the great works on display.In that case,here are my recommendations for three works. 3.

First,from the Tang and Song dynastics,look carefully at he Eight Noble Monks( 《八高僧故事图》)by Liang Kai to notice the detailed

portrayal ofthe monks in their tasks of sweeping and getting Water from the river,and so on,in the landscape.Then,moving on to the Yuan

dynasty,look at another detai led painting Retreat in the Qingbian Mountain( 《青卞隐居图》)by Wang Meng,where you can trace the running streams,find the houses far on the left and admire how the

hills make cloud-forms at the top.Now,third, move to the Ming dynasty for another vertical landscape,Dense Green Cvering the Spring Mountains( 《春山积翠图》) by Dai Jin (1388-1462); this is a much simpler landscape with a different feeling for space, and at the bottom the two small figures walking uphill and the line ofthe trees take our gaze upwards to the misty clouds.


In these three paintings you will noticc changes from one period to another,but perhaps more surprisingly,you will get the feeling that a strong tradition continues in a similar spirit and feeling for nature.

Unit test

Part I; Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.feature 2.distract 3.sake 4.analogy 5.escalate 6.theatrical 7.procl ai m 8.multiple 9.rhythm 10.exceed

Section B 11.A 12.B 13.D

14.B 15.A 16.B 17.C 18.C 19.A 20.D

Section C 21.on 22.to 23.up 24.from 25.down 26.with 27.off 28.of 29.from 30.so

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.hypothetical 32.commission 33.mythologi cal 34.expressive 35.precisely 36.qualified 37.meantime 38.instinctively 39.sufficient 40.consolation

Part III: Reading Comprehension 41.C

42.A 43.B 44.B 45.D

Unit 4

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1 B

First reading Task 2 CADCCC

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 10 1.recall 2.lodge 3.installing 4.assembling 5.appliances 6.coarse 7.device 8.furnished

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.identical 2.blossom 3.fainted 4.crossroads 5.vanish 6.resent


Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BABAA BABB Active reading 2 First reading Task 1

1.Summer camp was the first time that the children were away from home for a significant period oftime.

2.They cried themselves to sleep because they missed their mothers and homes.

3.Because it is usually during childhood that homesickness is first experienced.

4.It was believed that homesickness was a dangerous disease, and that singing Swiss songs would make it worse.The songs would make them lose their skills and courage.

5.People were encouraged to move westwards because there was no place for them in their homeland.

6.Favourite pieces of music and food can prompt homesickness among adults.

7.Nostalgia makes people think about their childhoods back home,which causes homesickness.

8.She phoned her mother and flew back to the US as often as possible.

9.She moved back to Rhode Island,where she had grown up,and lived in an apartment similar to her parents' barn.She also married the man she loved at school and had children.

10.The writer suggests that you can accept that homesickness is nothing to be ashamed of when you make your own home and have your own family.

First reading Task 2

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.immature 2.combat 3.diagnosed 4.exiled /exiles 5.manifest 6.provoked 7.coping 8.indulgence

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.restlessness 2.prompted 3.cautioned 4.adventure 5.occurrences

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 1.prone

2.ideal ized/ idealised 3.virtuous 4.suppress 5.nostalgic 6.cynical 7.immigrated

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4 ABAAA

Language in use Task 1

1.From around the house came the sound ofchildren playing. 2.On top of the hill stood more houses.

3.In front of the house passed horseless carriages. 4. Here lived two middle-aged women. 5.At the front of the house stops a lorry. 6.Round the bend comes a large crane. Task 2

1.Contact your parents too often when you go to university and you're more likely to miss home.

2.Say you're homesick and people might think you're immature.

3.Travel a great deal and you're likely to become homesick.

4.Offer them the choice between a comfortable hotel room and a walk in the park with their children and they'll choose the walk in the park.

5.Acknowledge you're homesick and it's possible to avoid anxiety and depression.

Task 3

1.pick and choose 2.prim and proper 3.back to front 4.peace and quiet 5.sooner or later 6.Take it or leave it Task 4

1.(1)abandon (2)belief 2.newly built 3.financial crisis

4.(1)provoke (2 )outcry 5.look into 6.take in Task 5

在欧洲,家庭是近几十年来发生变化最大的领域之一。传统的欧洲核心家庭由一对已婚父母和几个孩子构成,但现在这种家庭只是诸多选择中的一个。日益下降的结婚率、离婚人数的增加、人们对同居的普遍接受、同性婚姻的合法化、日渐下降的生育率让欧盟家庭的平均人口数下降到了2.4 人。家庭对人们来说依然是至关重要的。84%的欧洲人认为家庭非常重要,这个数字是那些认为朋友很重要的人数的两倍。也许影响最为重大的一些变化和生育有关,因为随着时间的推移这些变化会引发人口结构上的重要改变。在整个欧洲,人们不再把生育子女看作是对社会的责任,而是把它视为诸多生活选项中的一个。在很多国家,丁克的法被广泛接受。这些改变背后的推动力似乎是个体化。追求独立自主、隐私、自我实现和个人幸福的价值观已经变得越来越重要,这让那些注重集体目标的价值观失去了容身之所。

Task 6

China,with the largest population of elderly people in the world,has become anageing society.Meanwhile,China is also a country undergoing social transition.It will be a long time before a sound social welfare system can be established,which means that China is in a unique situation when it comes to care of its ageing

population.It is predicted that in the next 50 years,family care for the aged will still be the dominant practice in China.Filial piety has always been a significant part of traditional Chinese ethics.In today's ageing society,it will be all the more important to promote the virtue of filial piety,as it will continue to play a crucial role in encouraging pcople to take good care of their elderly family members by providing daily care and emotional support.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 AABAABBA Writing Task 2

1.Gcnerally spcaking,students stay in dormitorics.

2.In most cases,young unmarried pcople continue to live at home with their parents.

3.Broadly speaking,young couples live in rented flats. 4.In general,couples with a child live in their own home.

5.Usually,elderly pecople live in their own home or with their children. 6.Typically people who cannot afford to buy their own home live in rented accommodation.

Writing Task 3

1.Property prices are rising,so it is usually a good thing to buy a flat if you can afford to.If you don't have enough money to buy,you will

have to put up with renting.

2.Old homes can look attractive,but they tend to lack modern facilities. New homes can be expensive and not everyone likes high-rise living, but the materials are better and there are usually fewer maintenance problems.

3.Typically,it makes economic sense for an older person to live with younger relatives.Elderly parents can help with the housework and are good with children,and the young can take care of their elderly parents as well.But as Chinese homes are generally not very large,living sO close together may often result in disagreements.

4.Broadly speaking,council housing is high-rise.The apartments are relatively small,but affordable.

Writing Task 4

With China's large population and the growth of its cities in recent years,housing is in great demand and there has been a huge building boom.Broadly speaking,the older housing stock has been demolished,as it is not of good quality and needs to be replaced by highrise buildings which can accommodate more people.A high percentage of urban residents own their own flats. This is typically the case with a married couple with a child.In most cases,young unmarried people continue to live at home with their parents.Later,when they get marricd they may buy their first home or move to a rented place.As soon as they can,they will

purchase a better flat.At the top end of the market there are villas in gated estates,and fully fitted high-quality apartments with many facilities.In the middle range,there are more ordinary apartment buildings where the majority live.Economically affordable blocks which are subsidized by he government meet the needs of families with lower incomes.There is also a large rental scctor.Some companies which use migrant labour supply dormitory accommodation for their workers.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.C 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.D 10.C 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.D 19.A 20.C

Section B 21.from 22.away 23.UP 24.with 25.to 26.in 27.with 28.as 29.with 30.down

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.orchard 32.synomymous 33.territory 34.howli ng 35.creak 36.gang 37.conquer 38.incredible 39.ironically 40.cease

Part III: Reading Comprehension41.A 42.C 43.D 44.B 45.C

Active reading 1

Unit 5

First reading Task 1

1.The story is set in Joanne's,a famous restaurant in New York, on Christmas Eve.

2.Josh is a smart,hard-working lawyer in his early thirties.He is African-American.

3.He has an appointmcnt at Joanne's.

4.Jo Rogers is a senior Senator in Washington and well-known person in America.

5.He greets Josh very unpleasantly.He has a disdainful,superior attitude towards Josh and behaves rudely.

6.At the back of the restaurant,closc to the bathroom,near a half-opened window through which an icy brceze is blowing.

7.Everybody becomes silent and turns to look at her and greets her with silent applause.

8.He suggests that they sit at a better table in the middle of the

restaurant, from where she can sce everybody,or everybody can see her.

9.No一she says the waiter brought her friend to that table,so they will

stay there.

First reading Task 2 C

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.progressive 2.intense 3.donations 4.recruits 5.competent 6.intimidated 7.sophisticated 8.democratic

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.stepped out 2.were heaving with 3.in charge of 4.track down 5.think on his feet 6.knew inside out 7.in the running for 8.refrained from

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 1.agreeable 2.laughable 3.corruption 4.curl 5.doubtful

6.shrugged 7.impati ent 8.applause

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 ABAABAAA Active reading 2 First reading Task 1 CBDCAD

First reading Task 2

1.They want to work with an individual that they know and trust.

2.A company is a \"they\" group unless it is a small company.

3.Families in collectivist societies are usually \"extended\ of a larger number of people living closely together.

4.By being a focus of loyalty and through the help that members give to each other.

5.In individualist soc ieties.

6.They are supposed to be able to stand on their own feet.

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.dependent 2.invest m ent

3.competitors 4.loyalty 5.management 6.eable

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.core

2.membership 3.threatened 4.dwell on 5.prevail over 6.lifelong 7. psychological

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BAAA ABAA

Language in use Task 1

1.She was in favour of the possibility of having an abortion. 2.She was against the death pecnalty.

3.These words are formed using the prefixes pro- and anti-. 4.They indicate a person's political and social ideas. Task 2 1.0anti-racist 2.pro-devolutionist 3.anti-interventionist 4.anti-environmentalist 5.pro-market conomist 6.pro-governmentalist

Task 3

1.I needed to see him not just to tell him about the new contract,but to check whether he was still interested in working with us.

2.People went to Joanne's not just to see who their fellow diners were, but to be seen themselves.

3.Matthew decided to climb Mount Kilimanjaro not just to face this personal challenge,but to raise money for a children's charity.

4.I agreed to go to Egypt not just to sce an old friend,but to take a much-needed break from the northern winter.

5.Florence left home not just to find a job in this area,but to escape from family life,which she was beginning to find oppressive.

Task 4 1.to which 2.ofwhich 3.with whom 4.by which 5.in which 6.to whom Task 5

1.No,in fact,the food was often maligned.

2.He knew it by reputation,ie he had heard or read good comments

about it.

3.The orchestra had a guest slot for a well-known movie director who played trumpet.

4.They were celebrities,eg politicians,diplomats,movie actors, hall-of-fame athletes,journalists,writers,rock stars,Nobel Prize winners etc.

5.It refers to anyone who is famous or who has star quality. Task 6 1.

(a)I feel like screaming or crying with pain.

(b)Difficult or hard work on whichI need to focus all my attention. (c)Very hot and dry weather. 2.

(a)Yes,I can do it.

(b)It's good enough but not especially good. (c)No,they can't do it. 3.

(a) I throw it away because it is not the part to cat,but it has the most important part for the apple tree一the pips or apple seeds. (b)A limited number of basic and frequent words. (c)They are very devoted and loyal. Task 7

美国梦是美国民族精神的体现。简而言之,其观念就是美国是个充满机会的地方; 在那里,只要肯努力奋斗,就能获得富裕、成功。这种对改善社会地位和经济状况的信仰,即美国人可以从卑微的穷人变为富人的信仰,一直被称为”国民宗教”。在经济状况和社会地位上获得巨大提升的著名案例包括本杰明*富兰克林和亨利。福特。其他从父辈到子辈就实现从美国下层社会跻身上流社会的最为人书乐道的例子是亚伯拉罕.林肯和比尔克林顿。他们虽然出身于工人阶级家庭,却在成年之后当上了高官。民意测验表明,现在美国人的这个信念比以往任何时候都强,比其他任何发达国家的都强。但是,近年来,几项大型的研究发现,与同类国家相比,美国的垂直代际社会流动性降低。2013 年,布鲁金斯学会的一项研究发现,收入的不平等正变得更加固定,从而大大降低了社会流

动性。2014年发布的一项大型学术研究的结果发现在过去的20 年里,收入的流动性没有发生显著的变化。 Task 8

Women are an important part of the labour force.But gender discrimination in the job market still exists,and serves as a counterforce to the building of a harmonious society,As far as employees are concerned,jobs that do not suit their talents will not only give rise to a waste of the investment in human capital, but also cause them to lose faith in social justice.As for employers, gender discrimination will not only disrupt the process of

selecting talent,and thus waste, but will also harm the perception of a properly functioning market On the level of society,gender discrimination will set an obstacle to the properdistribution of human resources,and damage a fair environment in the job market.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 1.

This is the common conventional form to talk about birth. The focus is on the children,not on the birth process or the mother.Please compare the rarer active form. 2.

The sentence is short and compact with a focus on the relatives as the subject.Compare the active form the two parents and one or more children rarely see the other relatives,who live elsewhere.The agent in the passive here does not need to be mentioned as it is obvious from the context. 3.

The focus is on the classification of these others So this is the subject in the passive and the implied agent social

scientists does not need to be mentioned.Compare the active form social scientists do not classify these others

according to their group membership.Then,the agent social scientists or a similar subject needs to be introduced,because they have not been mentioned up to now. 4.

The focus is on playmates as the subject in the passive,as the agent is obvious.Compare the active form children from such families choose their pla ymates on the basis of personal preferences. 5.

The focus is on the child rather than the parents.The dcleted agent is ambiguous,it could be by the parents or perhapsby all members ofthefamily or even by the community or society.The passive form is concise.Compare the active form The parents expecl the child to leave the parental home as soon as the child can stand on its ownn feet.Add it ional reasons for using these forms here: First,they arc common in this kind ofexpository genre as they suggest an impartial reporting ofsocial science research; second,they allow the writer to bring grammatical variety into the text to make the reading more interesting.

Writing Task 2 C

Writing Task 3 d-g-c-b-f-a-i-c-h

Writing Task 4

RecentlyI met an Austrian economist who has been employed on

an international project in our city for several years.I was glad to have the opportunity to be informed about his life.He works for six days a week in the transport department.As an expert in public transport systems,he hopes his work can contribute to the development of our city.For example,the traffic jams,parking problems and environmental effects of having large numbers of cars on the roads can be reduced or,in the long term,might be avoided.He says we should not repeat the mistakes which were made in European countrics.Typically,he arrives in his office by 7:30 am,has a long lunch break with his colleagues,and goes home to his family by 6:00 pm.Somctimes he has to travcl to other cities.I asked him about integration.He said his Chinese language skills are now well developed.But at first he had to use English because no one speaks German in his workplace.He said he was often depressed by the fact that Chinese people always assumed he was German and did not know much about his country,Austria.It scems to me that he has integrated rather well. He is now quite familliar with Chinese customs and social life. However,although he made jokes about his early days in China,I got the feeling that there was a difficult period for him.The fact that he can laughnow is perhaps a good measure of his int egration.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.shrug

2.management 3.agreeable 4.donation 5.progressive 6.threaten 7.intellect

8.investm ent 9.nucleus 10.competent

Section B 11.B 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.A 20.D

Section C 21.on 22.for 23.of 24.in 25.on/ upon 26.out 27.of 28.so 29.down 30.into

Part Il: Banked Cloze 31.sophisticated 32.whatsoever 33.intimidate 34.compcti tors 35.doubtful

36.corruption 37.refrain 38.contracts 39.partnerships 40.loyalty

Part III: Reading Comprehension 41.B 42.C 43.D 44.C 45.A

Unit 6

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1.

Mary and Adam are farmers and Rob's parents.Alice is Rob's wife.

2.He still wakes up at 4 o'clock in the morning because it is a habit from this childhood,when he used to get up early to help his father milk the cows. 3.

She might say,\"It isn't worthwhile,perhaps let's just have a quiet day together.\" 4.

He realized his father loved him when he overheard him say that he hated to wake him up early.

5.He decided to get up even earlier than usual on Christmas Day and milk all the cows,so his father wouldn't have to. 6.

His father was overcome with cmotion and laughed.He was very happy. 7.

He wanted to show his love by getting up early,decorating the tree,writing a letter for her to keep forever,and giving her a diamond brooch. 8.

Christmas is meant to show us the importance of joy and love.

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.overheard

2.taken for granted 3.wakened 4.crept 5.clutched 6.trim 7.beloved

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.fragrant 2.shepherd 3.qucer 4.tiptoed 5.briskly 6.steady

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 AAAAB

Active reading 2 First reading Task DABCBD

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1

1.justification 2.youngsters 3.calendar 4.charm 5.undergoing 6.dazzl ing 7.feast 8.preaches 9.good

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 AABBAA

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 BAABBABB

Language in useTask 1 1.

Be it at Christmas or on any other occasion,pcople like to spend some quality time with their families. 2.

Be it in good ways or bad,the world has changed in recent years. 3.

Be it with a feast or a humble meal,people celebrate festivals in the same way around the world. 4.

Be they good or naughty,children are blessings. 5.

Be they scholars or ordinary people,they cannot stop the world from getting smaller. Task 2 1.

That Christmas has become a global festival is not surprising. 2.

That scholars have expressed concern about the influence of Christmas may be justified. 3.

That we enjoy an occasion to relax today is no different from our ancestors' enjoying breaks. 4.

That most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar is the reason we celebrate Christmas. 5.

That decadence is not the sole preserve of the West is something we need to remember. 6.

That Jesus was born in the East is something we should not forget. Task 3 1.

Now that his children had grown up and gone,what was the magic ofChristmas? 2.

Now that he knew his father loved him,he promised to get up early and help him with the milking. 3.

Now that Rob had done the milking,his father considered going back to bed. 4.

Now that it's Christmas,everyone seems in a trance. 5.

Now that Christmas has become a global festival,the Chinese want to relax during those few days as well. 6.

Now that most of the world follows the Gregorian calendar, the Chinese are influenced by its festivals. Task 4

1.humble beginings 2.granted permission 3.(1)undergone (2)changes 4.(1)have (2)charm 5. (1)lose (2)charm 6.humble meal 7.worked like acharm Task 5

1908 年,安娜*贾维斯在西弗吉尼亚州的格拉夫顿市为自己的母亲举行了一个追思会,这是人们第一次庆祝母亲节这个现代美国节日。贾维斯深爱的母亲于1905 年去世,从这年开始她就积极开展活动,要让母亲节成为美国的正式节日。经过安娜-贾维斯的努力,1914年伍德罗。威尔逊总统签客公告设立母

亲节,使它成为一个向母亲致敬的全国性节日。尽管贾维斯成功地创立了母亲节,但是母亲节的商业化很快就让她感到了不满。到了20 世纪20 年代初,很多公司开始出售母亲节贺卡,贾维斯对这种在她看来是误解和开发利用母亲节的行为感到新视野英過功痛心,她提出抗议甚至试图要废除母亲节。这个节的初衷是让大家向母亲表示感谢和敬意,采取的形式应该是写亲笔信传达爱意和感激,而不是通过买礼物和贺卡这样的方式。贾维斯创立的这个节日现在已经是全球性的节日。不同的国家庆祝母亲节的日期有所不同。在很多国家,例如澳大利亚、加拿大和美国,人们庆祝母亲节的日子是五月的第二个星期天。 Task 6

The Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China.But in recent years,many people have complained that the celebratory atmosphere of lunar New Year is not as strong as it used to be,and it is hard for them to regain that wonderful fecling in their memories.In fact,in the past,it was only during the Spring Festival that people could enjoy delicious food and wear

new clothes.This explains why this holiday was so important to Chinese pcople.But with the rapid development of the Chinese economy and an increasingly rich material life,the ways in which Chinese people celebrate the Spring Festival have changed.For instance,more and more Chinese people choose to travel during the Spring Festival.Nonetheless,for Chinese people,the Spring Festival plays an inreplaccable role in their culture.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 1.

Labour Day was first celebrated in the US in 1882 in New York.It was an attempt to honour working pcople and the contributions oftheir unions. 2.

Bastille Day,a celebration of the French Revolution and the destruction of the old royal prison in 1789, has been celebrated throughout France as a national holiday since 1880 3.

Martin Luther King Day celebrates the life and work of a Civil Rights leader who was killed in 1968.The holiday became a national one in the States in 1986. 4.

Carmival is a centuries-old European festival marked by merrymaking and feasting held just before Lent,a period of fasting and self-discipline.

Writing Task 2 1.

It was Christmas Eve and people swarmed the streets in a desperate search for last-minute gifts.All of a sudden snowflakes started falling. 2.

My coach pulled into New Orleans andI descended with my head full of visions of the Mardi GrasI was about to see for myself. 3.

As the old year approaches its end,Trafalgar Square becomes packed with people bursting with excitement to hear the chimes of Big Ben and celebrate the start of the New Year. 4.

The urge to get home for the Spring Festival is so strong that people squceze themselves into every possible space on the trains.

Writing Task 3 1.

The writer understands that his father has had a lifelong impact upon him. 2.

Here,the writer realizes that his father loves him,because he does not want to wake him up so early in the morning. 3.

The writer is pleased with himself for arranging the surprise for his father. 4.

The writer realizes how hard his father has had to work and the sacrifices he has made.

Writing Task 4

Since the time of the Civil War,the fourth Thursday in November has been Thanksgiving Day in the United States.

In the days before the holiday,hundreds of thousands of pcople take trains,coaches and planes to get back to their home towns, and food stores are packed with shoppers stocking up for the big day.

When it finally arrives,people hurry to their kitchens to roast the

turkey and prepare the vegetables corn and sweet potatocs are popular.When it is all ready,the family gathers around the table. Father says a few words about the past year and gives thanks for all their blessings.Then,he carves the bird and plates are passed around.Pcople reach for cranberry sauce,compliment the chef on the stuffing and pour the gravy.Pumpkin pic stands on the side ready for dessert.Some families linger at the table with so much to say before they rush back to their busy lives; others dash to the television to watch the big matches and parades of the day.The healthier ones go out to walk offall that rich food.Whatever they do,everyone enjoys this spccial day celebrating the autumm harvest.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.overhear 2.undergo 3.loiter 4.trim 5.creep 6.preach 7.anomaly 8.lunar 9.charm 10.essentially

Section B 11.C 12.C 13.C 14.B 15.B 16.D 17.A

18.B 19.D 20.A

Section C 21.to 22.for 23.for 24.in 25.to 26.of 27.with 28.at 29.to 30.of

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.mundane 32.calendar 33.festive 34.humble 35.lunchtime 36.bask 37.complain 38.goodness 39.celebrate 40.onwards

Part III: Reading Comprehension 41.C 42.D 43.D 44.A 45.D

Unit 7

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1 B

First reading Task 2 1.

He was on the 35th floor of the north tower of the World Trade Center. 2.

About two dozcn firefighters. 3.

They were resting and trying to work out what was going on. 4.

Nearly an hour. 5.

They stood still. 6.

It was falling down. 7.

He started thinking about his family,job and the bagels in the kitchen. 8.

To him,it seems things were happening slowly while in truth they weren't. 9.

He climbed through the rubble and led his men to safety. 10.

Altogether 343 firefighters. 11.

He wrote it as a tribute to his colleagues.

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.chaotic 2.extinguish

3.immediately 4.tragedy 5.nightmare 6.toll 7.utmost 8.heroism

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.decent 2.gratitudc 3.herd 4.massive 5.evacuate 6.leadership

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 1.picked up on 2.came from nowhere 3.make it through 4.out ofaction

5.steeled himselfagainst 6.on the scene of

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4


Active reading 2 First reading Task


Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.genius 2.delegates 3.oversee

4.dominate 5.correspondent 6.ascribed 7.unconscious

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.simple 2.crppled 3.summit

4.(1)attributed (2)to 5.marvelous 6.lobby 7.heroic 8.commission 9.slums

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 AABABAAAA Language in use Task 1

1.Someone whose job is to fight fires. 2.The person is male. 3.Both Task 2

1.headteacher 2.heroes

3.police officers 4.firefighters 5.salespersons Task 3 1.

Why is it that we haven't been able to solve the problem of slums in this town? 2.

Why is it that in this part of the world we are not able to organize fair elections? 3.

Why is it that in this hotel they never employ qualified people? 4.

Why is it that in this country the system ofwelfare is still not worki ng properly? 5.

Why is it that you always find such an easy answer to all the questions I ask? Task 4 1.

My time in the United States,short though it was,was interesting. 2.

The scenes of destruction,terrible though they were,were not surprising. 3.

The rescue operation,costly though it was,was successful. 4.

The lesson he gave,interesting though it was,was soon forgotten. 5.

Mother Teresa,old though she may have been,was extremely active. 6.

His actions,unconscious though they may have been,have had very serious consequences. Task 5

1.massive heart attack 2.volume of smoke 3.decreasing volume 4.take a toll on

5.heavy toll 6.volume of noise 7.pay a toll 8.stroke of genius 9.has a genius for 10.massive amount Task 6

英雄是美国人文化和身份认同的必要组成部分。在美国,英雄人物是以各种不同的形象出现的,他们反映了不同的价值观。美国人从孩提时代起就学习那些为建立国家而奋斗的政治家和宗教领袖; 学习那些建国后塑造美国历史的人。他们是历史上真实存在的人,因为在美国建国过程中发挥了巨大的作用而被提升为英雄,比如乔治。华盛电须和亚伯拉罕*林肯。在通俗文化中,漫画书中的超级英雄以前一直是,并将继续是一支主力军。从20 世纪早期开始,这些描述超级英雄冒险奇遇的漫画书,如《超人》,就日益走红。运动员成为英雄这种现象是最近才在英雄人物史中出现的。以美国为甚,随着职业体有的兴起,出现了知名的运动员,他们的在运动场上的表现广为人知。用个体形象来体现大理想的做法并不是美国文化所特有的,但是美因人对英雄的痴迷在其他文化中也是很少见的。 Task 7

China is one of the countrics that are most affected by natural disasters.In peacetime,rescue and relief work is an important part of the mission of the Chinese military.China's armed forces always form task forces for rescue and relief work,taking on the most urgent,most difficult and most dangerous jobs.Chinese military personnel perform their rescue and relief work as if they were fighting a war,sometimes even at the risk oftheir own lives. Whenever the People's Liberation Army (PLA) arrives at an area hit by a natural disaster,the local people will welcome them warmly and feel greatly relieved. The sense of organization, professionalism and efficiency they have displayed has helped them win the trust and praise ofthe public.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 Writing Task 2 1.

In the words of Doris Lessing,\"What is a hero without love for mankind?\" 2.

According to Bob Dylan,\"A hero is someone who understands the degree of responsibility that comes with his freedom. ” 3.

Henry M ller suggested that \"The ordinary man is involved in action,the hero acts.\" 4.

Mark Twain pointed out,\"If everybody was satisfied with himself there would be no heroes.\"

Writing Task 3

Discontent can have a positive effect on us,making us seek to improve the world and ourselves.It gives us that extra push to expect more from ourselves and do something remarkable.As Mark Twain pointed out,\"If everybody was satisfied with himself there would be no heroes.\"

Writing Task 4

The wandering knight is a character who can be found throughout Chinese history and literature.Sima Qian included many of them in his works.As he said in the introduction to that part ofhis work, \"The acts of the knights were not always according to rule,but they were always sincere,meant w hat they said,did w hat they set out to do and kept their promise.They hurried to help those in need without concerm for their own safety.They did not boast about their skill and did not like to hear their virtucs praised.\" This gives us the most important points about the wandering knights. They are honest,skil led and outsiders.They rely on their inner

resources and spend time meditating and developing their minds. They are deeply loyal to their friends,but do not remain with them. In the words of a Chinese film critic,when commenting on Ang Lce's Crouching Tiger,Hidden Dragon,\"Friends meet and part like stars on different tracks,brightening each other but never emotionally reliant on each other.\" The spirit of the wandering knights is also expressed clearly in a poem by Jia Dao; For a decadc,I have bcen shining my sword;

Its icy edge has never bcen tested. HereI hold it.Behold and say If there is anyone here suffering injustice.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.decent 2.summit 3.extinguish 4.selfless 5.genius 6.nightmare 7.leadership 8.tragedy 9.uncommon 10.unconscious Section B 11.with 12.up 13.that 14.out 15.though 16.down 17.of 18.out 19.over

20.through Section C 21.with 22.over 23.of 24.for 25.of 26.amid 27.in 28.about 29.to 30.of

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.massive 32.tragic 33.bravery 34.evacuate 35.homeless 36.superlative 37.turnout 38.admiration 39.correspondents 40.humane

Part III: Reading Comprehension41.A 42.C 43.B 44.D 45.D

Unit 8

Active reading 1 First reading Task 1 DDADCBC

First reading Task 2 ACCBBACA

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.plausible 2.fairy 3.secondary 4.deliberately 5.misled 6.morality 7.durable

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.creation 2.credibility 3.dispose of 4.transplant 5.rumour 6.sacred

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 1.speculate 2.intend 3.fact

4.appropriate 5.symbol 6.benign

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4 ABABAAB Active reading 2 First reading Task 1 CCABCBDB

First reading Task 2 3 4 8 9 11

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 1 1.pursued 2.conversing 3.uttered 4.cherish 5.renew 6.pl unge 7.repel

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 2 1.cliff 2.brink 3.stooped

4.endeavoured/ endeavored 5.indifferent 6.departed

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 3 1.with all her heart 2.Hands off 3.tear himselfaway 4.by degrees 5.pined away

Reading in detail: Vocabulary exercises Task 4 AABBBABAB Language in use Task 1

1.Underground. 2.Undermeath the ice. 3.

(a )Under the sea.

(b)No,the room has already been divided. (c)Usually at the bottom.

(d)They try to put it out or call the fire service (e)No.

(f)To further divide up the text. Task 2

1.Tired or not,I want you to read me that story.

2.True or not,the effect of the story on the listcner is exactly the same. 3.British or not,you have the right to use this service. 4.Famous or not,I think this film is absolute rubbish. 5.Useful or not,you have to practise this structure. Task 3 1.

The plot is that of two people w ho meet near a lake and fall in love. 2.

The main story is that of a young man who falls in love with his own reflection. 3.

The story is that of a man who meets a stranger in a bar and agrees to do something stupid. 4.

The basic story is that of a girl w ho arrives in a big town to scek her fortune. 5.

The myth is that of a hero who steals fire from the gods and is punished by them. Task 4 1.

While her books are very successful,they are hardly very original stories. 2.

WhileI agree with what he is saying,I do not believe he knows the best way of saying it.


While there is probably not any truth in it,it is certainly an cntertaining story. 4.

While the events of that night have become something of an urban legend,no one will know the truth of how M iss Brown really died. 5.

While a legend is an old story about famous people or events in the past,and isn't usually true,a myth is a story which has some spiritual or religious significance in the past. Task 5 1.

(a) My ancestors.(b)No,because they disappear withoutany way of finding them. (c)Probably not,as the blood is of a very small amount. 2.

(a)No,I don't achieve the result I wanted. (b)Attractive.

(c ) No.Despite the efforts they made, they were not successful. 3.

(a)I want to hear the latest news. (b)Yes,

(c )Yes,because it is easily passed to other pcople. 4.

(a )Quietly,because they hold each other in a friendly way, (b)They adopt it. (c)Yes. 5.

(a)I would be jumping in the lake.

(b)It would be destroyed as it fell down the cliff. (c)It goes off.

Task 6

“希腊神话”指的是古代希腊关于神灵和英雄的各种传说的合集,这些传说描述了他们的宗教活动和世界观。希腊神话包含了大量的故事,有些故事解释了世界的起源,有些则详细描述了各种不同的男女神灵、男女英雄和神话动物的生活及冒险奇遇。虽然现在我们主要是通过书面形式的希腊文学了解这些故事,但起初它们是以口头诗歌的形式创作并传播的。希腊神话对西方文明的文化、艺术和文学都产生了广泛、深远的影响。的确,在整个西方文学史上,希腊神话所涉及的那些主题一直具有重要的意义。虽然建立在这些神话故事之上的古希腊宗教早就湮没于历史之中,但是希腊神话依然是大量西方小说、诗歌、电影和视觉艺术的一个重要的源泉。希腊神话在现代神话、心理学和语文学研究的发展中起到了至关重要的作用,它仍将是全球文化遗产的重要组成部分。 Task 7

The most important characteristic of ancient Greek mythology is that gods and humans are similar,both in physical appearance and personality.Ancient Greeks created their gods in their own image, and their gods have human emotions and desires.In Chinese mythology,however,the life of the gods is very different from that of humans.The good gods in Chinese mythology have a noble character,express great aspirations,and show perseverance in fighting for great ideals.They have the noble duty of maintaining the order of the universe; they are social and moral role models.It can be said that the gods in Chinese mythology have extraordinarily noble characters,and possess more of the qualities of gods than of humans.

Guided writing Writing Task 1 3-4-1-2-7-5-6 Writing Task 2 1.burst

2.(1)swooped (2 )took (3)soared

3.(1)dropped (2)sparkled (3 )releasing (4)lit up (5 )chased away 4.(1)took on (2)shattered

Writing Task 3

1.To suggest that people should be happy with w hat they have got.

2.be overjoyed; thanked the Crow 3.to this day

Writing Task 4

Countless generations ago there were ten suns.They used to take turns to shine over the earth,but they grew tired of this and started appearing all together.This made the world too hot for humans and burnt up the ground and everything which grew on it.People complained to Emperor Yao and he called upon the Divine Archer Yi for help.Yi saw there was only one solution and he took careful aim and shot down nine ofthe suns.

Humanity's problems were over,but Archer Yi's had only just begun.His act cost him his immortality,He almost won it back, but in the end he lost his wifc as well.

Unit test

Part I: Vocabulary and Structure Section A 1.detained 2.plausible 3.disposed 4.credible 5.sccondary 6.benign 7.shunned 8.cherish 9.transplant 10.blush 11.forfeit 12.embrace 13.myth 14.repel

15.sacred 16.hapless 17.morality 18.contrive

19.endeavour/ endeavours 20.renew Section B 21.from 22.of 23.with 24.of 25.behind 26.in 27.out 28.to 29.in 30.back

Part II: Banked Cloze 31.storytelling 32.oral 33.mythology 34.embellishment 35.appropriate 36.capti vating 37.extinct 38.indifferent 39.impatience 40.dispose

Part III: Reading Comprehension 41.C 42.A 43.C

44.D 45.B
