

2021-04-15 来源:九壹网
List 1

abandon abate ability abolish abound absent

absenteeism absorb abstraction absurd abuse academic accelerate access accessible accessory

accommodation accompany accomplish account accountant accreditation accumulate accuracy accurate achievement acid

acknowledge acoustic acquaint acquaintance acquire acquisition acrobat activate actual acumen acute adapt adaptation addict addition

additional address adequate adhere adjacent adjust administer administration admission admit adolescent adopt advance advanced advantage advent adventure adverse advertise advocate aeration aerobics aeronautics aeroplane aerospace aesthetic affect afflict

List 2

afford agency agenda aggravation aggressive aggressiveness agriculture ailment airtight aisle alarm alchemist alcohol alert

alienation alight alignment alley allocate allowance alluvial almond alter alternate alternative altitude aluminium amass amateur amaze

ambassador ambiguous ambitious ambulance amorphous amount amplify analogous analyse anatomy ancient and so forth

anecdotal announce annoy annual

anthropologist anticipate antidote antiquity anxious apace apart ape

apparatus apparent apparently appeal appearance appetite applaud appliance applicant application apply appoint appointment appraisal approach appropriate

List 3

approval approve approximate apt aptitude aquarium arable arboreal architect architecture archive argue argument aridity arithmetic arrange

arrangement array arrogance artefact artery arthritis artificial as for/to as if/though ash aspect aspiration assemble assess asset assign

assignment assimilate assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assurance asthma

astonish astound astray astrology astronaut asymmetry at least at random athlete atmosphere atomic attach attack attain attempt attend attraction attribute audacious audio audition authority authorize automatically avail available avalanche avenue

List 4

average avoid award aware awful bachelor backbone bacterial badge badminton balance balcony bamboo band bankrupt bankruptcy banner bar

barbecue bare barely bargain barge bark baron barrel barrier basis batch battery bay beam beehive beforehand behalf behave belief belt beneath beneficial benefit besides

betray beverage beware beyond

bibliography bid bilateral bin bind

biography biometrics bistro bit bizarre blade blame blank blanket blast blaze blend block block blonde bloom blueprint blunt board boast bold

List 5

bolster bonus booklet bookrest booming boot booth border bore boulder bounce bound boundary bow branch brand brass

breakdown breakthrough breakwater breed breeze brew brief briefcase briefly brilliant

bring around/round bring out brochure bronchitis brood broom brunt bubble bucket buckle budget buffalo bulb bulge bulk

bullet bulletin bump into bunch bungalow bureau

bureaucracy burgeon burglar burrow burst burst bury bypass cable cafeteria calcium calculate calendar calf calibre calm calorie camel cameral campaign camper campfire campus

List 6

cancel candidate cannon canoe canteen Cantonese cap capable capacity capsule captive capture

cardiovascular career carousel carve cascade cash cassette cast casualty catastrophe category cater caution cautious cease celebrate celebrity cell censor censure centennial centigrade

centrifugal force ceramic cereal ceremony certificate cervical chain challenge

chamber champion chancellor channel chapel character characteristic charcoal charge charity chart charter chase cheat check-up chef chemical cherry chest chew chief chink chip

cholesterol chorus chronic chunk

cinematography circle

List 7

circulation circumstance circus cite civil

civilization claim clamp clarify clarity clash classical classification classify clay clench clerk client climate clinic clip

cloakroom clockwise clot clue clumsy cluster clutch coach coarse code coffer cohesion coincide collaboration collapse collate collection colony

colour-blind column comb

combine combustion comedy comet commence commencement comment commercial commission commitment commodity commonwealth community companion comparatively compare compatible compatriot compel

compendium compensate compensation compete competent competition compile complain complaint complete

List 8 complex complicated compliment comply component compose compound comprehension comprehensive compress comprise compromise compulsively compulsory conceal concede conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concert concession conclude conclusion concrete condense condition conduct conference confidence confine confirm conflict conform confront confusion congested congratulate conjunction connect connection

conscious consequence consequent consequently conservation conservative conserve considerable consideration consist consolation consolidation consortium constantly constitute constitution constrain construct construction consult consultant consumer consumption contact contain contaminate contemplate contemporary

List 9 contempt content continent contingency continually continuity continuous contract contradict contrary contrast contribute contrived controversial convenience convenient conventional conversion convert convey conviction convince cookery cooperate coordinate coordinator cope cord cork

corporate corps corpus correspond corridor corrode

cosmopolitan cosset costume council counsel counter counterpart county

coupon courageous cover coverage crack craft crank crash crater crawl create creation creative credible credit crescent crew cricket crime criminal crisis crisp critic criticize crockery crossword crowded

List 10 crown crucial crude cruel cruise crush cube

cucumber cue

cultivate curative curiosity curious curly currency current currently curriculum curry curtain cylinder dairy damage damp darkroom dash data database dazzle deadline dealer dean debate debris decade decapitate decay deceive decent decibel decipher decisive declaration

declare decline decompose decompression decorate decouple decrease decrepit dedicate deem defeat defect defendant deficiency define definite definition degrade delegate deliberate delicate delinquency delivery delta demand democratic demographic

List 11 demolish demonstrate denote dense density depart depict deplete deploy deposit depress deprive deputy derive desert deserve design desirable desire desperate despite destination destiny destruction destructive detach detail detect detective deter

deteriorate determine detour detract detrimental devastating develop deviance device devise devote diagnose diagram

dialect dictation differ digest digital dimension diminish dioxide diploma direction directory disadvantage disagree

disappointing disapprove discard discipline disclose discount discourage discover discovery discredit discretion discriminate

List 12 disfigure disharmony disillusionment disintegrate dismantle dismiss disorder dispenser displace display dispute disqualify disregard disrupt dissatisfied dissemination dissertation dissolve distance distill distinct distinctive distinguish distort distract distribute distribution district disturb diversify diversity divert divide dividend divine division dizzy dock

document dolphin dome domestic dominant

dominate donation dorm dormant dose

downpour downsize draft drainage dramatic drawback dreadful dredge drill droplet drought drum dubious due dull dump durable duration dusk dweller dynamic dystrophy earthquake

List 13 earthwork earthworm ecology economic economical ecosystem edible effect efficiency efficient eject elaborate elastic elbow element elevate eligible eliminate elite

embankment embark emboss embrace embryo emerge emergency eminent emission emit emotion emperor emphasis emphasize empire empirical encase enclose encounter encourage endeavour endorse endure enforce

enfranchise engage enhance enlarge enlighten enormous enquiry enrich enroll enrolment ensue ensure entail enterprise entertain enthusiasm enthusiastic entire entitle

entrepreneur environment envisage epidemic epitomize equal equation equator equipment

List 14 equity equivalent era erosion eruption escalator essay essence essential establish estate estimate eternal evacuate evaluate evaporate event evidence evoke evolution evolve exacerbate exact examine excavate exceed excellent except exceptional excess excessive exchange excitement exclude exclusive exclusively excreta excursion execute execution exemplify exhale exhaust

exhibit exhibition exhilaration exist existence exorbitant exotic expansion expectation expel expire explode exploit explore explorer explosive expose extend extension extensive exterior external externally extinct

extinguisher extol

List 15 extra extract

extracurricular extraordinary extreme extremely eyesight façade facilitate facility factsheet faculty fade fair fairly faith fake fallow fancy fantasy fare farewell fascinate fascinating fashion fasten fatal fate fatigue fault fauna favour feasible feather feature federal federation feeble feed feedback female feminism fertile

fibre fickle fiction fieldwork fierce figure filter finale finance fingerprint finite firm fitness fitting flame flap flash flask flat flavour flaw flee fleet

flexibility flexible flexi-time flicker flight

List 16 flint flip flora flourish fluctuate flush flutter foam focus foetus foil fold

for instance for the sake of force forecast foreland foremost foresee forfeit form formal format former formidable formula formulate forthcoming fortnight forum fossil foul

foundation fountain fraction fracture fragile fragment fragrance frame frank fraud freefone

freight frequent friction frightened frock front-line frown fruitful frustrate fuel fulfill fume function fund

fundamental furious furnace furnish furniture fuse fusion galaxy gallery gamble gang gather gauge gear

List 17 gelatin gender generalize generate generic generous genetic genuine geology geometry germ gesture get off back gigantic given glacial glamour gland gleam glide glimpse glitter global glorious glossary glove glue goal goggle goodwill gorgeous govern govern grab graduate grand granite grant graphic graphology grasp grassy grateful

gravity greasy greatly grid grieve grim grin grind grip groan grope gross grove guarantee guidance guideline guilty guinea gullibly habitat hall hallow halt halve hamster handicapped handle handout

List 18 handy hang on haphazard harbour harridan harsh hassle hasty hatch haul hawk hazard headline headmaster headquarters heal heap hectare height heir

helicopter helix

hemisphere herbivore herdsman heritage hesitate hide

hierarchy highland highlight high-tech highway hike hinge hinterland hire historian hitherto hive hockey hollow


honour horizon horror hose

hospitality host hostel hostile hostility household huddle hug hum humanity humble humidity humour hurdle hurricane hybrid hypothesis ID card ideal identical identification identify identity ignorance

List 19 ignorant ignore illuminate illusion illustrate illustration image

imagination imaginative imagine imitate imitation immediately immense immigrant immune impact impair impart impede implement implication impose impress improve impulse

in accordance with in addition to in addition

in comparison with in favour of in vain incendiary incentive incident inclination incoming incorporate incredible incur

independence indicate indication

individual induction

inductive reasoning inductive indulge industrialise inescapable infection infer inference inferential inflammable inflation influence influenza inform

infrastructure inhabitant inhale inherent inherited inhibit initial initiative inject inland inlet

List 20 innocent innovation input insecure insert insight

insignificant insist inspect inspiration install

installment instinct institute institution instruct instrument instrumental insulate insurance intact integral integrate intellectual intelligence intelligent intelligible intend intense intensify intensity intensive intent intention interact

interdependent interest interfere interior

intermediate internal

internationalist interplay

interrelationship intersection interval intervene intimate intrusion invader invalid invaluable invasion inventory inversion invert invest investigate invisible invoice involve ion iris irony

irregularity irrelevant irrevocable irrigation irritate isle isolate

List 21 issue item jaw jealous joint jostle journal journalist judgment judicious junction jungle justice justify juvenile keen kidney kit kneel knob Kung Fu label

laboratory labour lag landfill landmark landscape landward lane

large-scale larvae laser lateral latitude launch laundry lava lavatory lawsuit layer layout lead to


leadership leaflet leak leap lease leather lecture legacy legal leisure lens leopard less than lethal leukaemia level lever

lexicographer liberty license likelihood limb lime

limestone limitation limited

List 22 limp linen linger linguistic link liquor literacy literal literature litter

livelihood liver livestock load loan lobby locality locate location log logic

longitudinal long-term loop loose lower luggage lull lunar luxury machinery magic magma magnetic magnify magnitude mainly mainstream maintain maintenance major majority mall

management mandarin manipulate manor mansion mantle

manufacture manufacturer marble maritime marker

marketplace marsh marsupial mass massive Mastercard mastery mate material materialistic mattress mature maximum meadow meaningful meantime

List 23 meanwhile mechanic mechanical mechanism medieval mediocre

Mediterranean medium melatonin melt

membership memorable memorandum mental mention

merchandising mercury mere merely merge mess metaphor meteorology methane metro

microbiology microcosm microprocessor microscope midst migrant misjudge missile mission mite mixture modem moderate modernism modify module moist molecule

monitor monopoly monster mood moral motion motivate motive mould mount


List 24 multiple multiply murder muscle mushroom mutual mysterious naïve naked nasty

nationality native naturally navigable necessarily negative neglect negotiate nerve neutral

nevertheless nickel nightmare Nordic normal notable

notice board notify notion notorious nourish nuclear numerous nurture oak object objection objective obligation observe obtain occasion occasional

occasionally occupation occupy occur odd odour offend offset offspring

on the horizon ongoing operate operational opponent opportunity oppose optimism optimistic option optometrist orchestra organ organism organize orient

orientation meeting origin

List 25 original ounce outcome outdo outline output outsell outward overall overcome overlap overseas oversee overwhelm owe owl oxide ozone pack pamphlet panic parallel parcel parliament partial participant participate particle particularly passport patent pathology pattern payment pearl pedal penalty pension pepper perceive percentage perform performance

permission perpetual persist personality personnel pest petrol petroleum phenomenon philosophy portion

List 26 position positive possess

postgraduate post-mortem postpone posture potential poverty practically precise predict predispose predominantly preface preferable preference pregnant premier premium preparation prescribe prescription presence presentation preserve preserve pressure pretend prevail prevalent previous primarily primary prime primitive principal principle prior priority privacy private privilege

probability probable probe procedure proceed process procession productive productivity profession professional profit profitable profound project prominent promise promising promote

pronounceable proof propel property proportion proposal prospective pudding

pull up stakes

List 27 pulley pulverized qualitative quantity quartz

questionnaire quiver quota racket radiate random rank ratio

raw material rear receiver recipe recipient recognize recommend rectangular recycle refectory refinement refresh

refreshment refrigerator refund refusal regarding regardless regent region register regulate reinforce reject relate relax relay release relevant reliable

reliance relieve religion rely remain remarkable remedy remind remote removal renew rent repay replace represent reproduce reputation request require rescue reserve reserve residence resident residential resign resist resort

List 28 resource respect respond responsible retrain restrict resume retain retire reunite reveal revenue revise revolution revolve reward ridiculous rig rigid rigorous rim ripe rival roast roll film roll-holder romance rot rotate route routine rude rumour rural sample sausage scale scan scarce scare scatter scenery scent

schedule scholar scope scorching score scrap scrape scratch scream screen screw sculpture seal seam secondary section sector seek seep segment select semester seminar senior sensation sensible

List 29 sensitive sensory separate sequence serial session setting settle severe shade shaft

shareholder shark shatter shave sheer shell shelter shift shilling shipment shore shortage shorthand short-term shrewd shrewd shrink shrub shrug shutter siesta sift signal signature significance signpost silicon silt silver similarly simplify simulate

simultaneously sincere sinew sinister sip situated skeptical sketch skew skim skip skull

skyscraper slash slat slice slight slim slip slippery slogan slope slouch slum slurry smart smell

List 30 smooth smother snack snap up soak

sociology solar sole solemn solidarity soluble solve

sophisticated sore sorrow source souvenir spacecraft spade span spark spasm spasmodic specialize specialty species specific specification specify specimen spectacular spectator spectrum speculate sphere spice spill spin spine spiritual spit spite splash

splendid splint split spoil sponge sponsor sporadically spot spot on spouse sprawl spray squash squeeze stab stabilize stable stack staff stage stagnate stainless staircase stake stale stall

List 31 stammer stamp stance standard standpoint starchy stare stark starve stash statement static stationary stationery statistic statistically statue status steady steep steer stem stereo sticky stiff

stimulate stimulating stimulus stint stir stock stockpile storey stout stove strain strand strap strategist strategy straw stream strengthen

stress stretch strike striking string strip strip stripe stroke structure studio stuff stylish subject subjective subliminal submarine submerge submit subordinate subscribe subsequent subsidiary subsidiary subsidise subsidy subsoil substance substantial substitute

List 32 subtle subtract subtropical suburb succeed succession successive succumb sucker suffer sufficient suicidal suitable suitably suitcase

sulphuric acid summarise summit superb superficial superior supervise supplement supply suppose suppression surf surge surgeon surgery surpass surround surveillance survey survive suspect sustain swallow swamp swap swear swell swift

swing switch symbol sympathise sympathy symphony symptom synthesis systematical tab tablet tag tan

tangibly tanker tap tariff

teamwork technical technician technique tedious teem telescope temper temporary tempt

List 33 tenable tend tendency tender tense terminal terminology terrace terrain terrify textile texture

the ozone layer theory therapy thereby therefore thermal thesis thigh thirsty thorny thoughtful threaten threshold thrill thrive

throughout thunder tick off timber tolerate tome topsoil torrent tough townscape toxin trace

track and field track tradition tragic


transquillity transcribe transfer transform transit translate transmit transmute transparent transport trapeze treadmill treatment tremendous trend trial triangle trick trigger trim trinket trivial tropical tropospheric truce tube

List 34 tug tune tunnel turbine turnover turret tutor twist typhoon typical ultimately ultraclean unaware unbiased uncertainty unconcerned unconquerable undergraduate underground underline underling underneath understanding undertake undetected undisguised undoubtedly uneasy

unemployment unexpected unfortunately uniform unique universe unload

unprejudiced unrealistic unsatisfactory untrustworthy unyielding uphill upper upset

up-to-date urban urge urgent utilise utility vacancy vacation vacuum vague valid van vanish variability vary vast

vegetarian veil

venomous ventilation venture venue verify vernacular version vertebrate vertical

List 35 vessel vested vet

veterinary viable vibrate vice versa victim viewpoint vigorous violence violent virtually virtue virus viscous visible vision vital vivid volcano volt voltage volume volunteer voyage wage wagon waist wander warrant wastage waterfront waterproof wax weaken weakness wealthy wean weapon wedge weed weigh

welfare well-being whaling wheelchair whereas whisper whistle widespread wildlife willing windscreen wire withdraw withstand witness womb workaholic workforce world-wide worm

worthwhile worthy wrap wrinkle yield zone

