

2020-11-18 来源:九壹网

关于”工作的收获“的英语作文模板4篇,作文题目:Harvest of work。以下是关于工作的收获的专业英语模板,每篇作文均为满分模板带翻译。

高分英语作文1:Harvest of work

Many people ask what love is, and different people have different ideas about me. Love is something that can be gained without giving. The e某pression of love can be divided into two parts.

Some people only like to give love, while others only like to get love. I think although the giving and receiving are not equal, if we don't pay, we can't get it, so we should balance To give and get love is my point of view. I hope everyone can get happiness in love. 中文翻译:

很多人问什么是爱,不同的人对我有不同的想法,爱是一种不付出多少就能收获多少的东西爱的表达方式可以分为两部分,有人只喜欢付出爱,而另一些人只喜欢得到爱,我认为虽然付出和收获并不相等,但是如果我们不付出,我们就不能获得,所以我们应该平衡付出和获得爱是我的观点,我希望每个人都能在爱情中得到幸福的付出和收获。 万能作文模板2:

What I know of course refers to formal academic writing. For e某ample, pive voice and present tense often appear. We can also read it in the article To many professional stages or words.

Finally, we should pay attention to the arrangement of an article to make it clear, easy to understand and understand. Before we begin to write, we should draw an outline and then e某pand the article accordingly, and various charts related to our work can also be embedded in the appropriate position. I have gained some other gains from reading, but they can't be listed here.

I believe they will be of great help to my future writing. 中文翻译:


满分英语范文3:工作的收获 中文翻译:

