专利名称:Method of providing aluminium or
aluminium alloy tracks on a substrate
发明人:Van Delden, Martinus Hermanus Wilhelmus
Maria,Van Houtum, Hendrikus JosephusWilhelmus
摘要:When aluminium tracks are provided on a substrate by first providing on asubstrate a layer of aluminium, and then removing this layer in a certain pattern byplasma etching in a chlorine-containing atmosphere, it is found that chlorine residuesremaining on the substrate promote corrosion of the aluminium tracks. Rinsing in waterturns out to remove these chlorine residues insufficiently. If immediately after plasmaetching in a chlorine-containing atmosphere the product obtained is exposed to a plasmain a nitrogen-containing atmosphere, chlorine residues can subsequently be removed byrinsing with water, which is found to improve effectively the corrosion assistance of thealuminium tracks.
申请人:Philips Electronics N.V.
地址:Groenewoudseweg 1 5621 BA Eindhoven NL
代理机构:Rensen, Jan Geert