专利名称:THRUST BEARING SYSTEM发明人:DAVICH M,US申请号:US3727996D申请日:19710420公开号:US3727996A公开日:19730417
摘要:A thrust bearing system for use in rotating machines such as electric motors. Anend shield is formed with an axially extending hub having a central, axially extendingbearing surface and a feed aperture communicating with the bearing surface. A lubricantchamber is formed around the hub and contains a mass of lubricant filled absorbentmaterial with part of the absorbent material extending into the feed aperture. A shaft isrotatably received within the bearing surface. A thrust bearing member is mounted onthe shaft and has a thrust bearing surface disposed in a generally radial plane adjacentone end of the hub. A thrust receiving member is positioned in thrust receiving
relationship between the thrust bearing surface and the one end of the hub. A retainer ispress fit about the outer periphery of the hub and is interconnected with the thrustreceiving member to center it about the shaft and restrain it from rotary motion. Theretainer includes an outer peripheral flange which engages the absorbent material. Thethrust receiving member normally engages the hub only adjacent its outer circumferenceand flexes into greater engagement with the hub when engaged by the thrust bearingmember. The thrust bearing member includes an axially extending ledge which is receivedwithin the inner periphery of the thrust receiving member.