专利名称:Capillary electrophoresis system
发明人:Bruce R. Boeke,Martin Chris Foster,Thomas
J. Kurt,Scott Stueckradt
摘要:The invention is an improved multiplex capillary electrophoresis instrument ormodule with at least four and preferably six user-accessible vertically stacked drawers.An x-z stage moves samples from the user accessible drawers to the capillary array for
analysis. A computer program allows users to add capillary electrophoresis jobs to aqueue corresponding to the analysis of rows or plates of samples without stopping orinterrupting runs in progress.
申请人:Bruce R. Boeke,Martin Chris Foster,Thomas J. Kurt,Scott Stueckradt
地址:Ames IA US,Nevada IA US,Ames IA US,Huxley IA US
代理机构:McKee, Voorhees & Sease, PLC