
Method and system for prioritizing performance int

2022-05-07 来源:九壹网

专利名称:Method and system for prioritizing

performance interventions

发明人:John C.C. McIlwaine,Scott Richter,Kirt W.

Pulaski,Susan Harman,DiannaSpence,Solomon Shaffer




摘要:A member of a workforce of a contact center, such as an agent of a call center,

can receive performance interventions, such as training, information, tips, or other itemsintended to enhance workplace performance. The performance interventions can beorganized, sequenced, ranked, or prioritized in a lineup, an ordered list, or a queue, thatspecifies the sequence that the workforce member should receive the performanceinterventions. The agent might select a training course at the top of the list, for example.Two criteria, parameters, or values can characterize some aspect of each performanceintervention. One criterion might characterize time sensitivity, while the other criterionmight characterize importance, for example. Processing the two parameters candetermine the sequence of performance intervention delivery.

申请人:John C.C. McIlwaine,Scott Richter,Kirt W. Pulaski,Susan Harman,DiannaSpence,Solomon Shaffer

地址:Alpharetta GA US,Gainesville GA US,Suwanee GA US,US,Cumming GAUS,Alpharetta GA US


