专利名称:Graphic image processing apparatus发明人:Yasuhara, Nae, c/o Patents
Division,Marusawa, Miyuki, c/o PatentsDivision,Yasuhara, Hiroshi, c/o PatentsDivision,Kusano, Hiroko, c/o Patents Division
摘要:A graphic image processing apparatus comprises character pattern selecting
keys (22,23) for selecting a predetermined character pattern, a colour selecting keys (21)for selecting predetermined colour data corresponding to the character pattern, adisplay device (8) for displaying the character pattern, a joystick (10) for moving a cursoron the display device (8), a first memory (3) for storing data corresponding to thecharacter pattern and colour information and reading it out, a second memory (6) forstoring display data which are displayed on the display device (8), a control means (1) forchanging the cursor to the character pattern by operating the character patternselecting keys (22,23), and an executing key (33) for fixing the character pattern in thesecond memory (6) so as to display a desired position which is decided by the user byoperating the joystick (10).
地址:7-35 Kitashinagawa 6-chome Shinagawa-ku Tokyo 141 JP
代理机构:Cotter, Ivan John