第 1 周 第 2 节
课题 Unit 1 Hello ( Make and say, Sing a song) 知识与技能:1.学唱歌曲I‟m Dolly,理解句型。 课型 新授 2.通过角色扮演帮助学生运用句型。 教 学 目 标 3.让学生制作自己的名字卡片,在真实的语境中运用所学语言。 过程与方法:1.通过小组合作和交流的方式互相介绍,掌握句型。 2.设置情境,帮助学生学习本单元句型。 情感态度与价值观:培养学生互相交流,敢于沟通的良好品格。 重 点 1.会用Hello,I‟m…进行介绍自己. 难 点 2. 每个学生英文名字的记忆。 教 学情景交际,自主学习,游戏教学 方 法 课 时课 前 卡片,光盘, 彩笔 2 分 配 准 备 教 学 过 程 Pre-task preparations 1. Daily talk Hello/ How are you?/ How old are you?/ What‟s your name?... While- task procedures 1. Ask students “Do you like to sing a song?” 2. Play the song .Have students listen and follow as possible as they can. 3. Pick out some students or groups to sing the song. 备注 教 学 过 程 4. Use students own name to sing the song. I‟m ...Hello, hello! I‟m ...Hello, hello! I‟m ...Hello, hello! Hello, hello, hello. 5. Introduce the methods of making a name card. 1. Get a piece of paper. 2. Next, fold it. 3. Write the name. 4. Color the name and draw pictures. Post- task activities 1. Have students take their name card to introduce their names. one by one. 2. Find a student to say „Hello‟ to one student, and the one say „Hello‟ to another, and so on. Survey: What can you say? 作 业 基础:Sing the song to families. 拓展: Write names on their stationeries. Unit1 Hello 板 书 I‟m Dolly I‟m Dolly. Hello, hello. I‟m Dolly. Hello, hello. I‟m Dolly. Hello, hello. Hello, hello, hello. 反 思 备注 因篇幅问题不能全部显示,请点此查看更多更全内容