

2022-05-03 来源:九壹网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Guards patrol the perimeter of the estate.(保安人员在庄园四周巡逻。)

2、The patrol came under attack from all sides.(巡逻队受到四面八方的攻击。)

3、Prison officers continued to patrol the grounds within the jail.(狱警们继续在监狱内的场地里巡逻。)

4、Two officers on patrol became suspicious of two men in a car.(两位巡警对一辆小汽车内的两名男子起了疑心。)

5、The second day he ran into a patrol of British soldiers who eyed him and his wagon with suspicion.(第二天他碰上了一队英国巡逻兵,他们怀疑地打量着他和他的马车。)

6、Guerrillas attacked a patrol with hand grenades.(游击队用手榴弹袭击了一支巡逻队。)

7、The police do not patrol the area.(警察不在这一地区巡逻。)

8、The patrol can detect if something is going down or is about to go down.(巡逻队能发现是否有情况正在发生或即将发生。)

9、They also want the INS to hire hundreds more border patrol agents and investigators to keep illegal immigrants out and to track them down once they're here.(他们还希望移民归化局再雇佣数百名边境巡逻人员和调查人员,将非法移民拒之门外,并在他们抵达后对他们进行追踪。)

10、The Florida Highway patrol shut down the 20-mile stretch of the interstate.(弗罗里达公路巡逻队关闭了20英里的州际公路段。)

11、A hand grenade was thrown at an army patrol.(一颗手榴弹被扔向陆军巡逻队。)

12、he began to waver in his resolution when a patrol wagon rolled up and more officers dismounted.(当一辆巡逻车开过来并且从车上下来更多的警察时,他的决心开始动摇了。)

13、He failed to return from a patrol.(他没能从一次巡逻中回来。)

14、I ask the mounted patrol to keep their eyes open.(我要求巡逻骑警密切注意。)

15、On December 31, a bomber in Baqouba detonated her suicide vest close to a police patrol, wounding five policemen and four civilians.(在12月31号,巴库巴的一名炸弹袭击者在一个警察巡逻队附近引爆了她的自杀式炸弹背心,造成5名警察和4名平民受伤。)

16、Police patrol the streets.(警察们在街上巡逻。)

17、Some of the officers have been pulled off patrol duty to teach guitar, piano classes, and English.(一些警察们被撤下巡逻任务,去教授吉他、钢琴课和英语。)

18、They go out on patrol, and they get shot at or attacked almost every day.(他们外出巡逻,几乎每天都会遭遇枪击或者袭击。)

19、Highway patrol officers closed the road.(公路巡警关闭了这条路。)

20、These troops have rarely been at the center of the action: in Afghanistan, they stay in the relatively calm north; in Lebanon, they patrol at sea, not on land.(这些部队鲜少处于行动的中心:在阿富汗,他们留驻于相对平静的北方;在黎巴嫩,他们则在海上巡逻,而不是在陆地上。)

21、In Tobruk, leading a patrol in no-man's land, he was blown up by a mortar bomb.(在图卜鲁格,他领着一支巡逻队在无人地带时,被一枚迫击炮弹击中。)

22、Gangs of youths patrol the streets at night.(夜里成帮结伙的年轻人在街上闲逛。)

23、Two policemen were killed when gunmen opened fire on their patrol vehicle.(当持枪歹徒对巡逻车开枪射击时,两名警察中弹身亡。)

24、The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed.(军队现在在斯利那加巡逻,宵禁也已实行。)

25、The Highway patrol this year issued 1,018 speeding citations.(高速公路巡警今年开出了1018张超速罚单。)

26、We had a patrol out on the border, breaking in some young soldiers, showing them the ropes.(我们在边境上进行了一次巡逻,训练一些年轻士兵,对他们做了指点。)

27、The bomb went off as a police patrol went by.(炸弹在巡警队经过时爆炸了。)

28、Dummy patrol cars will be set up beside motorways to frighten speeding motorists.(仿真巡逻车将被安置在公路旁以威慑超速行驶的驾驶员。)

29、It is expected to approve proposals to send patrol boats manned by armed police and customs officers with powers to search and turn back ships suspected of breaking the sanctions.(预计中国将批准派遣载有武装警察和海关官员的巡逻艇,有权搜查并遣返涉嫌违反制裁的船只。)

30、"You learn how to use your systems on patrol," he said.(他说:“你要学习如何在在巡航中使用你的系统。”)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


