造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、While complete eradication is highly unlikely, Brown says, the finding has implications for prevention and treatment (see Can Infection-Related schizophrenia Be Prevented?).(他表示,虽然人们很难做到产前杜绝感染,这一研究成果还是为预防和治疗精神分裂症提供了依据。)
2、The results could have implications for understanding the functional significance of a prominent brain abnormality observed in neuropsychiatric diseases such as schizophrenia.(这一研究的结果可能会对我们理解在像如精神分裂症一类的神精精神病里才会发现的显著脑部异常的重要功能。)
3、This new study, featured in the Archives of General Psychiatry, aimed to examine the association of neonatal vitamin D status and incidence of schizophrenia.(由普通精神病档案室进行的一项新研究,致力于检查出新生儿维生素D缺乏和精神分裂症发生率之间的联系。)
4、schizophrenia is thought to be at least partly inherited, so the siblings of people who have the condition have a slightly increased risk of also developing the disorder.(精神分裂症是被认为至少是部分遗传的,所以那些同胞兄妹患病的人患有精神分裂症的风险便会轻微增加。)
5、There is ongoing research into whether cognitive and executivefunctions can be restored in those with brain damage from traumaticbrain injuries or schizophrenia.(有一项关于是否认知和执行功能可以在脑损伤或精神分裂的毁坏中恢复的研究正在进行。)
6、In the nearer term, this development could greatly assist the study of diseases, like schizophrenia and Huntington's, that result from vesicle-cell interaction failure.(近期内,这方面的进展可以为某些疾病的研究提供莫大的帮助,如精神分裂症和亨廷顿舞蹈症的研究,这两种疾病是由于囊泡和细胞相互作用失败而导致的。)
7、Joseph Coyle, with Harvard Medical School, who has studied schizophrenia and other neurological disorders for more than 40 years, was drawn into his career path early on.(供职于哈佛大学医学院、研究精神分裂症及其他神经系统疾病40余年的约瑟夫·科伊尔,早期就开始了他的职业生涯路径。)
8、The technique has been used to explore the neural circuitry of people suffering from depression, dyslexia, schizophrenia, and a host of other neurological conditions.(这项技术已经用于探测不同病人的神经回路,比如:抑郁症患者、阅读障碍者、精神分裂症患者和许多其他神经状况。)
9、schizophrenia is not a "split mind" as is popularly believed.(精神分裂症并不是普遍认为的“分裂了的精神”。)
10、The media and public often seem to want to find a culprit in psychosis, and armchair speculation about whether schizophrenia might somehow be responsible inevitably follows.(媒体和公众似乎经常想要在精神病患者中找到一个罪魁祸首,安坐深思精神分裂病患者是否不可避免地应当对如下的情况负责。)
11、Last month scientists at Cambridge University said puzzles could help ward off a range of conditions, from depression to schizophrenia.(剑桥大学的科学家上个月宣布,一些智力玩具可以帮助人们抵御一系列心理或生理疾病,如忧郁症和精神症。)
12、schizophrenia was thought to be due to poor mothering.(精神分裂症被认为是由照顾不周造成的。)
13、This is important information whether or not any of [the genes involved] turn out to be common causes of schizophrenia in the population.(这项研究是“描述基因缺失如何与大脑机能障碍相关的重要步骤,”她接着说,“无论有没有基因被证明是精神分裂症的普遍病因,这都是重要的信息。”)
14、After graduating, he worked under schizophrenia expert Eugene Bleuler.(在毕业之后,他在精神分裂症的专家尤金·布鲁勒手下工作。)
15、It also found significant evidence of association with variation on chromosomes 11 and 18 that could help account for the thinking and memory deficits of schizophrenia.(在11号和18号染色体上,我们发现重大的与变异有关的证据。它能帮助说明精神分裂症思维和记忆缺陷。)
16、One of the most common symptoms of schizophrenia is hearing imaginary voices.(精神分裂症最常见的症状之一是幻听。)
17、When he mentioned his profession, one man wanted Duckworth's opinion on his struggles with depression; another asked for advice on a family member's schizophrenia.(当他提到他的职业时,有人寻求他的意见对抗易抑郁症,也有人就家人患有精神分裂症向他请教。)
18、Shared environmental effects were small, but substantial - 4.5% for schizophrenia, 4.4% to 7% for bipolar disorder, and 2.3% to 6.2% for both disorders.(共有的环境影响不大,但却是很可观——对精神分裂症贡献4.5%,双相情感障碍4.4%-7%,两者皆有为2.3%-6.2%。)
19、Susan had a mental breakdown and was diagnosed with schizophrenia.(苏珊精神崩溃,被诊断为精神分裂。)
20、In a massive gene hunt, three groups of international schizophrenia researchers have zeroed in on several mutations that harbor some of the secrets of schizophrenia.(在大规模基因猎获中,三组国际精神分裂症研究人员已将目光锁定在几种藏有精神分裂症之谜的变异上。)
21、Maternal and intrauterine infections are notably common, so one question is that if schizophrenia is infectious in origin, why aren't more offspring born with schizophrenia?(母婴感染是非常常见的,所以人们很容易提出这样的质疑:假如感染是精神分裂症的病因,为什么没有更多的新生儿成为患者呢?)
22、but mr. yang's doctors see a bigger failing. despite clear signs of schizophrenia mr. yang had received medical care for just one month in the previous five years.(但是,杨的医生看到的却是一个更严重的问题:尽管杨精神分裂症的症候相当明显,但在过去的五年间他接受过的医疗却只有短短一个月。)
23、The cohort of their study included 69 subjects with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder, aged 18 to 60, and all on antipsychotic medications and stable.(他们的这组研究包括了69个具有精神分裂症或情感分裂性精神障碍的实验对象,年龄在18到60岁之间,都在服用抗精神病药物,且病情稳定。)
24、So, despite my best intentions, my patients were far from relieved when I “took away” their schizophrenia diagnosis or an antipsychotic medication.(1所以,尽管是出于好意,但我的病患并不会在我“带走”他们的精神病的诊断或是取消他们的安定药物后而如释重负。)
25、Say a person with schizophrenia starts hearing a cacophony of voices telling him that he is a bad person; he could look at his psych dog to see what it is doing.(假设一个有精神分裂症的人忽然听到一连串杂音,说他是坏人;他可以看看他的心理犬在做什么。)
26、Still, the pathogenic theory of schizophrenia runs counter to years of orthodox thinking that schizophrenia is a congenital, organic brain disorder.(这种解释精神分裂症的病原学说仍与多年来根深蒂固的主流学说相悖。主流观点是,精神分裂症是一种先天的器官性脑障碍。)
27、The study conducted by the International schizophrenia Consortium also compared the SNP patterns in schizophrenia patients and the genomes of people with other diseases.(由国际精神分裂症协会实施的这项研究也对精神分裂症患者的SNP模式和其他疾病患者的染色体作了对比。)
28、It may be because it makes them feel better. Nicotine is known to transiently improve several neurological and cognitive impairments in patients with schizophrenia.(也许是因为这能够让他们感觉更舒服。众所周知,尼古丁能够短暂的改善精神分裂症患者的严重的神经和认知损害。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。