Find K-th largest element in N arrays.
In n=2
arrays [[9,3,2,4,7],[1,2,3,4,8]]
, the 3rd largest element is 7
In n=2
arrays [[9,3,2,4,8],[1,2,3,4,2]]
, the 1st largest element is 9
, 2nd largest element is 8
, 3rd largest element is 7
and etc.
这题很有意思,一开始拿到手,完全没有头绪.但是后来想了下其实这题是find kth largest element的follow up,只是把一个数组拓展为一个数组群,每次在数组群中查找.所以加上一个具体判断数组的处理之后,使用
partition或者heap的方法都可以.而判断当前处理到第几个数组的处理办法是维护一个数组长度的prefix sum.如果当前处理到下标已经大于当前数组的prefixsum,则移动到下一个数组.需要注意的是空数组的规避.如果数组为空,则需要往后查找.
class Solution: # @param {int[][]} arrays a list of array # @param {int} k an integer # @return {int} an integer, K-th largest element in N arrays def KthInArrays(self, arrays, k): # follow up of find K largest numbers in array, partition or heap solution #the only difference is to calculate the index of number in the really array import heapq if not arrays: return -1 n = len(arrays) preLen = [0] #数组长度的prefix sum处理 for i in xrange(n): preLen.append(preLen[-1]+len(arrays[i])) arrayIndex = 0 heap = [] i = 0 while arrayIndex < len(preLen) - 1: if arrays[arrayIndex]: 非常关键,规避空数组 if len(heap) < k: heapq.heappush(heap, arrays[arrayIndex][i - preLen[arrayIndex]]) else: heapq.heappushpop(heap, arrays[arrayIndex][i - preLen[arrayIndex]]) i += 1 if i == preLen[arrayIndex+1]: arrayIndex += 1 return heap[0]