元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995DMeets or Exceeds the Requirements ofDDDDDDDD ANSI Standards EIA/TIA-422-B and RS-485and ITU Recommendation V.11Designed for Multipoint Transmission onLong Bus Lines in Noisy Environments3-State OutputsCommon-Mode Output Voltage Range of–7 V to 12 VActive-High and Active-Low EnablesThermal Shutdown ProtectionPositive- and Negative-Current LimitingOperates From Single 5-V SupplyLogically Interchangeable With AM26LS31N PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)1A1Y1Z G2Z2Y2AGND1234 5678161514131211109VCC4A4Y4ZG3Z3Y3ADW PACKAGE(TOP VIEW)descriptionThe SN75172 is a monolithic quadrupledifferential line driver with 3-state outputs. It isdesigned to meet the requirements of ANSIStandards EIA/TIA-422-B and RS-485 and ITURecommendation V.11. The device is optimizedfor balanced multipoint bus transmission at ratesof up to 4megabaud. Each driver features widepositive and negative common-mode outputvoltage ranges, making it suitable for party-lineapplications in noisy environments.1A1YNC1ZG2ZNC2Y2AGND1234 567891020191817161514131211VCC4A4YNC4ZG3ZNC3Y3ANC – No internal connectionThe SN75172 provides positive- and negative-current limiting and thermal shutdown for protection from linefault conditions on the transmission bus line. Shutdown occurs at a junction temperature of approximately150°C. This device offers optimum performance when used with the SN75173 or SN75175 quadrupledifferential line receivers.The SN75172 is characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C.FUNCTION TABLE(each driver)INPUTAHLHLXENABLESGHHXXLGXXLLHOUTPUTSYHLHLZZLHLHZH = high level, L = low level, X = irrelevant, Z = high impedance (off)Please be aware that an important notice concerning availability, standard warranty, and use in critical applications ofTexasInstruments semiconductor products and disclaimers thereto appears at the end of this data sheet.PRODUCTION DATA information is current as of publication date.Products conform to specifications per the terms of Texas Instrumentsstandard warranty. Production processing does not necessarily includetesting of all parameters.Copyright © 1995, Texas Instruments IncorporatedPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•1元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER logic symbol†412≥1EN logic diagram (positive logic)GG412236510111413GG1A12365101114131Y1Z2Y2Z3Y3Z4Y4Z1A11Y1Z2Y2Z3Y3Z4Y4Z2A72A73A94A153A9†This symbol is in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Std 91-1984and IEC Publication 617-12.Terminal numbers shown are for the N package.4A15absolute maximum ratings over operating free-air temperature (unless otherwise noted)‡Supply voltage, VCC (see Note 1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 VVoltage range at any bus terminal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . –10 V to 15 VInput voltage, VI . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.5 VContinuous total dissipation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . See Dissipation Rating TableOperating free-air temperature range, TA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0°C to 70°CStorage temperature range, Tstg –65. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . °C to 150°CLead temperature 1,6 mm (1/16 inch) from case for 10 seconds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 260°C‡Stresses beyond those listed under “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, andfunctional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under “recommended operating conditions” is notimplied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.NOTE 1:All voltage values are with respect to the network ground terminal.DISSIPATION RATING TABLEPACKAGEDWNTA ≤ 25°CPOWER RATING1125 mW1150 mWDERATING FACTORABOVE TA = 25°C9.0 mW/°C9.2 mW/°CTA = 70°CPOWER RATING720 mW736 mW2POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995recommended operating conditionsMINSupply voltage, VCCHigh-level input voltage, VIHLow-level input voltage, VILCommon-mode output voltage, VOCHigh-level output current, IOHLow-level output current, IOLOperating free-air temperature, TA04.7520.8–7 to 12–606070NOM5MAX5.25UNITVVVVmAmA°Celectrical characteristics over recommended ranges of supply voltage and operating free-airtemperature (unless otherwise noted)PARAMETERVIKVOVOHVOL|VOD1||VOD2|VOD3∆|VOD|VOC∆|VOC|IOIOZIIHIILIOSInput clamp voltageOutput voltageHigh-level output voltageLow-level output voltageDifferential output voltageDifferential output voltageDifferential output voltageChange in magnitude of differential output voltage§Common-mode output voltageCommonmodeotptoltage¶Change in magnitude of common-mode output voltage§Output current with power offHigh-impedance-state output currentHigh-level input currentLow-level input currentShort-circuit output currentVCC = 0,VO = – 7 V to 12 VRL = 54 =54Ω or 100 or100ΩΩ,SeeFigure1See Figure 1II = –18 mAIO = 0VIH = 2 V,VIH = 2 V,IO = 0RL = 100 =100Ω,RL = 54 Ω,See Note 2SeeFigure1See Figure 1See Figure 1VIL = 0.8 V,VIL = 0.8 V,IOH = –33 mAIOH = 33 mA1.51/2 VOD1or 2‡±0.2+3–1±0.2±100±10020 –360–180180500Outputs enabledOutputs disabled38186040mAmATEST CONDITIONSMIN03.71.1 6TYP†MAX–1.56UNITVVVVVVVVVVVµAµAµAµAVO = – 7 V to 12 VVI = 2.7 VVI = 0.5 VVO = – 7 VVO = VCCVO = 12 VICCSupplycurrent(alldrivers)Supply current (all drivers)NoloadNo load†All typical values are at VCC = 5 V and TA = 25°C.‡The minimum VOD2 with a 100-Ω load is either 1/2 VOD1 or 2 V, whichever is greater.§∆|VOD| and ∆|VOC| are the changes in magnitude of VOD and VOC, respectively, that occur when the input is changed from a high level to a lowlevel.¶In ANSI Standard EIA/TIA-422-B, VOC, which is the average of the two output voltages with respect to ground, is called output offset voltage,VOS.NOTE 2:See Figure 3-5 of EIA Standard RS-485.POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•3元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER SYMBOL EQUIVALENTSDATA SHEET PARAMETERVO|VOD1||VOD2||VOD2|∆|VOD|VOC∆|VOC|IOSIO||Vt| – |Vt|||Vos||Vos – Vos||Isa|,|Isb||Ixa|,|Ixb|Iia,IibEIA/TIA-422-BVoa, VobVoVt (RL = 100 Ω)RS-485Voa, VobVoVt (RL = 54 Ω)Vt (Test Termination)Measurement 2)||Vt| – |Vt|||Vos||Vos – Vos| switching characteristics, VCC = 5 V, TA = 25°CPARAMETERtd(OD)tt(OD)tPZHtPZLtPHZtPLZDifferential-output delay timeDifferential-output transition timeOutput enable time to high levelOutput enable time to low levelOutput disable time from high levelOutput disable time from low levelTEST CONDITIONS RRL = 54 =54Ω, RL = 110 Ω, RL = 110 Ω, RL = 110 Ω, RL = 110 Ω,SeeSee Figure 2Figure2See Figure 3See Figure 4See Figure 3See Figure 4MINTYP458080457818MAX651201208011530UNITnsnsnsnsnsnsPARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATIONRL2VOD2RL2VOCFigure 1. Differential and Common-Mode Output Voltages3 VInputGenerator(see Note A)RL =54 Ω50 Ω3 VCL = 50 pFOutput(see Note B)td(OD)Output50%90%10%3 V or 0TEST CIRCUITtt(OD)VOLTAGE WAVEFORMS1.5 V1.5 V0 Vtd(OD)≈2.5 V50%≈2.5 Vtt(OD)NOTES:A.The input pulse is supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: tr ≤ 5 ns, tf ≤ 5 ns, PRR ≤ 1 MHz, duty cycle = 50%,ZO = 50 Ω.B.CL includes probe and stray capacitance.Figure 2. Differential-Output Test CIrcuit and Voltage Waveforms4POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995PARAMETER MEASUREMENT INFORMATION3 VS10 V to 3 VGenerator(see Note A)OutputInput1.5 VtPZH50 Ω3 V(see Note C)CL = 50 pF(see Note B)RL = 110 ΩOutput2.3 VtPHZVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSVoff ≈ 0 V1.5 V0.5 V0 VVOHTEST CIRCUITNOTES. A.The input pulse is supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: PRR ≤ 1 MHz, duty cycle = 50%, tr ≤ 5 ns, tf ≤ 5 ns,ZO = 50 Ω.B.CL includes probe and stray capacitance.C.To test the active-low enable G, ground G and apply an inverted waveform to G.Figure 3. Test Circuit and Voltage Waveforms5 VRL = 110 ΩOutputtPZL50 Ω3 V(see Note C)TEST CIRCUITVOLTAGE WAVEFORMSCL = 50 pF(see Note B)Output2.3 V3 VInput1.5 V1.5 V0 VtPLZ5 VS10 V to 3 VGenerator(see Note A)0.5 VVOLNOTES. A.The input pulse is supplied by a generator having the following characteristics: PRR ≤ 1 MHz, duty cycle = 50%, tr ≤ 5 ns, tf ≤ 5 ns,ZO = 50 Ω.B.CL includes probe and stray capacitance.C.To test the active-low enable G, ground G and apply an inverted waveform to G.Figure 4. Test Circuit and Voltage WaveformsPOST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•5元器件交易网www.cecb2b.comSLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSHIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsHIGH-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENT54.5 – High-Level Output Voltge – VVOH43.532.521.51VCC = 5 VTA = 25°C5 LOW-LEVEL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsLOW-LEVEL OUTPUT CURRENTVCC = 5 VTA = 25°C4.5 – Low-Level Output Voltage – VVOL43.532.521.510.500.500–20–40–60–80–100–120020406080100120IOH – High-Level Output Current – mAIOL – Low-Level Output Current – mAFigure 5DIFFERENTIAL OUTPUT VOLTAGEvsOUTPUT CURRENT4VOD – Differential Output Voltage – V3.532.521.510.50VCC = 5 VTA = 25°CIOO – Output Current – A50403020100–10–20–30–400102030405060708090100VCC = 0Figure 6OUTPUT CURRENTvsOUTPUT VOLTAGEOutput DissabledTA = 25°CVCC = 5 V–50–25–20–15–10–50510152025IO – Output Current – mAVO – Output Voltage – VFigure 7Figure 86POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com SN75172QUADRUPLE DIFFRENTIAL LINE DRIVER SLLS038B – OCTOBER 1980 – REVISED MAY 1995TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSSUPPLY CURRENTvsSUPPLY VOLTAGE10090IICCCC – Supply Current – mA807060504030201000123456780InputsGroundedInputsOpenNo LoadOutputs EnabledTA = 25°CIICCCC – Supply Current – mA30No LoadInput OpenOutput EnabledTA = 25°CSUPPLY CURRENTvsSUPPLY VOLTAGE25201510501VCC – Supply Voltage – V23456VCC – Supply Voltage – V78Figure 9Figure 10APPLICATION INFORMATION1/4 SN75172RTRT1/4 SN751741/4 SN75173Up to 32RS-485 Unit Load1/4 SN751751/4 SN751721/4 SN751731/4 SN751731/4 SN75174NOTE A:The line length should be terminated at both ends in its characteristic impedance (RT = ZO). Stub lengths off the main line shouldbe kept as short as possible.Figure 11POST OFFICE BOX 655303 DALLAS, TEXAS 75265•7元器件交易网www.cecb2b.com
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