发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-22 11:20
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:04
世界上不同精算协会的要求是不一样的,因为我在美国学精算,所以对北美精算师还是比较了解的。有两个协会可以颁发精算师执照,一个是CAS一个是SOA. 一个是财险的一个是寿险的。前五门考试是两个协会都承认的,往后就要开始选择你的方向了,其实北美精算师有三个方向,pension,health insurance,或者casualty and property。
前五门考试也叫preliminary exams。
The preliminary exams are the common foundation for becoming an actuary. No matter which actuarial practice area a person decides to enter, future actuarial ecation will depend on mastery of the preliminary exams.
The Probability Exam (called Exam P by the SOA and Exam 1 by the CAS) consists of three hours of multiple-choice questions offered by computer-based testing (CBT). The purpose of this exam is to develop knowledge of probability. The application of these tools to problems encountered by actuaries is emphasized. A thorough command of calculus and probability topics is assumed. Additionally, a very basic knowledge of insurance and risk management is assumed.
Financial Mathematics Exam
The Financial Mathematics Exam (called Exam FM by the SOA and Exam 2 by the CAS) consists of three hours of multiple-choice questions offered by computer-based testing. This exam covers interest theory (discrete and continuous) and an introction to derivative securities. It assumes a basic knowledge of calculus and probability.
Financial Economics Exam
The Financial Economics Exam (called Exam MFE by the SOA and Exam 3F by the CAS) consists of two-and-a-half hours of multiple-choice questions. This exam covers interest rate models, rational valuation of derivative securities, simulation, and financial risk management techniques.
Life Contingencies Exam
The SOA and CAS each offer their own version of the life contingencies exam. The SOA Life Contingencies Exam (called Exam MLC) is a three-hour multiple choice exam. The CAS Life Contingencies and Statistics Exam (called Exam 3L) is a two-and-a-half-hour, multiple-choice exam. Those who pass the SOA Life Contingencies Exam will be granted credit for the CAS Life Contingencies and Statistics Exam.
Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models Exam
The Construction and Evaluation of Actuarial Models Exam (called Exam C by the SOA and Exam 4 by the CAS) consists of three and a half hours of multiple-choice questions offered through computer-based testing.
要说这五门里,难度应该是递进的,但是也有人觉得fm比p简单,看跟人擅长什么。不知到楼主英语好不好,其实这跟考到几级没关系,我觉得中国的考级跟英语能力没什么关系,只要考试能力好就okay了,而且英语好的也不一定能懂,因为有大量的金融专业术语。所以要是考北美精算师的话,反正study mannual都是原版的,做几本下来考试起码语言不是大问题了:)
以后还有什么考试问题可以问我,我12月分就要考fm了,所以对于准备考试还是很有经验滴:) 对了,毕业之前不需要全考完的,后面几门也是有工作经验才能考的。慢慢来吧,加油!
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:04
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:05
热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 09:06