发布网友
共1个回答
热心网友
Is
it
good
for
students
to
do
some
housework.
Some
people
think
studengts
need
not
do
any
housework.
They
think
the
only
thing
students
need
do
is
to
study
well.
don't
think
so.
It
is
good
for
students
to
do
some
housework
for
three
reason.
Firstly,to
do
some
housework
can
make
you
independent.
You
can't
depend
on
others
all
your
life.
So,you
should
learn
to
do
some
housework
now.
Secondly,
to
do
some
housework
can
keep
you
healthy
and
strong
,some
hard
housework
can
be
regarded
as
a
kind
of
physical
exercise.
Finally,
to
do
some
housework
can
share
your
parents'
work.
They
must
be
happy
if
you
say”
Have
a
rest,
and
will
do
the
housework”
So
think
it
is
good
for
students
to
do
some
housework.
适当做一些家务活对学生来说是有好处的。
一些人认为学生不需要做任何家务。他们认为学生唯一需要做的事就是好好学习。我不这么认为。适当做一些家务活对学生来说是有好处的,理由有以下三点:
首先,做一些家务可以使人变得。你不可能一辈子依靠别人生活。所以,你现在应该学会做一些家务。
其次,做一些家务可以使人保持健康和强壮,一些重体力家务活可以被视为一种体育运动。
最后,做一些家务可以为父母分担一些工作。如果你对他们说“休息一下吧,我来做这些家务活",那他们一定会非常高兴。