College or university is the place where we can get higher ecation, where we gain more konwledge, have more chances to practice(?不明白,什么practice,还有,注意用美式拼写。) and make friends with people from different backgrounds. Thus, attending a college or a university, in my opinion,is some kind of valuable experience in one's(注意不要用第一人称来写,尽量用第三人称,第二人称是最不可以接受的。) life.(不需要说人们很努力进入大学学习。)
First of all, people go(不要用want,题目问的就是go) to get prepared for their careers. In a college or a university, people have more access to professional knowledge of (尽量不要用of这种定语形式,感觉在美国人眼里这样子会犯错。)their career.There(注意代词的指代是否明确) are different kinds of major and each major has their own courses.these courses make more pointed reference,unlike in high school we just learn some basic subjects.
总的来说,语法错误有,语言表达不是很连贯,感觉是高中生写的文章,因为英式英语的用法在里面感觉有点多,呵呵,不知道猜测的对不对。oppotunities of internship可以直接说成 internship oppotunities或者是oppotunities for internship之类的我就不提出来了。表达能力有些欠缺。平时可以多看些英语文章。思路已经有了,看的出来是准备过的,上过辅导班或者研究过范文的~~在基础上要下些功夫,像单复数之类的语法错误在托福作文里就有点说不过去了~~
我觉得你应该是新手吧,给你几个建议哈,第一,开头段你需要改写一下,而不是直接抄写题目观点,第二,题目agree disagree这种题需要明确的个人观点,需要第一段明确指出,你可以用although work quickly is a significant skill in handing some tasks,but i tend to agree that correct is more vital nowadays.,第三,你的连接词应该换一下,别firstly,secondly,thirdly,要用the first one contribute to this is that...这类
i disagree with this point to some extent.We all know that it's stupid to do any work in a some way and the way we used should be depended on different situations.
In most occasions,we need to be careful with those work which we're facing,and it's highly possible for us to make a mistake while we're working quickly,and the fact that we cannot pay enough attention to every aspects will often lead to some mistakes,which may result into a bad influence.
But in some specific occasions,we need the work to be finished at a short limited time,so we have to work quickly ,risking some mistakes,and mistakes in such conditions just are hard to be avoided.But we should try to rece mistakes, meaning that we should spend more extra energy.
Above all,i think it's important for us to be careful while working,trying to finish work quick without mistakes.