
发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-25 12:32



热心网友 时间:2022-05-20 15:36

圣诞节(christmas)是*教的一个重要的节日,定于每年12月25日,纪念耶稣*的诞生,同时也是普遍庆祝的世俗节日。纪念耶稣诞生的节期与时值仲冬的农节和太阳节这两个非*教节日巧合,因此庆祝习俗来源不一。在罗马帝国范围之内,12月17日农神节是寻欢取乐、互相馈赠的日子。12月25日是古伊朗人所崇奉的正义之神密特拉的生日。古罗马人在元旦用青枝绿叶和灯火装饰房屋,并向儿童和穷人赠送礼物。条顿人各部族渗入高卢、不列颠和中欧等地,又带来日耳曼人和克尔特人的宗教仪式。常青树象征奋斗生存,自从中世纪以来就与耶稣圣诞节庆祝活动发生联系。由于历法不同,东正教及其他东欧教会的圣诞节日期相当于公历1月6日或7日。Christmas (Christmas) is a Christian an important festival, is scheled for December 25, mark of the birth of Jesus Christ, is also common secular festival celebration. For the birth of Christ and the ration of the middle feast day and TaiYangJie farmers the two the Christian festival coincidence, therefore celebration customs source is differ. In the Roman empire range, December 17, the tiles for fun, each other is saturnalia presents day. December 25 is the ancient Iranian people ChongFeng god of justice mithras birthday. The ancient Romans with green on New Year's day branch leaves and decorated the house lights, and to the children and the poor giving gifts. For each article, British and gallic tribes into central Europe, and bring Germanic peoples and the celts religious ceremony. The evergreen tree symbol struggle survival, since the middle ages and Jesus has relationship with the Christmas celebration. Due to the different calendar, orthodox and other eastern European church Christmas day date is equivalent to the Gregorian calendar January


热心网友 时间:2022-05-20 16:54

all family members come back home for christmas, and they have dinner, go shoping, give gifts to each other and decorate the christmas.

热心网友 时间:2022-05-20 18:29

Merry Christmas

