According the news in L.A. --- several homosexual people in Los Angeles consigns the lawyer to challenge the law the California of forbidding the homosexual marriage, relate the homosexual marriage is becoming the most disputant topic, and lots people are accepting same sax marriage graally. The twenty-first century has brought with it the dramatic opening of marriage to same-sax couples in Europe and North America. Beginning in the Netherlands in 2001, continuing in Belgium and two Canadian provinces in 2003, and then in areas of the United States and Quebec in 2004, thousands of same-sax couples have taken advantage of this fundamental civil right. Although same-sax couples were permitted to marry in some U.S. states in the mid-1970s, and although some African cultures such as the Nuer and Ibo have always celebrated woman-woman marriage in exactly the same way as man-woman marriage, the marriage bar has been the on legal right that has been most consistently denied to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and transsexual persons who would marry a person of the same-sax. Homosexual’s built up their marriage with their pure and true love, they also have the right to married, and after homosexual people married, they would find their love was stronger and stronger, and we also can see that according to the Queer marriage history.
Queer Marriage in History: “The best-known account of queer marriage in history is undoubtedly that of John Boswell, who published Same-Sex Unions in Pre-Modern Europe in 1994. Some of the specific interpretations Boswell gave medieval religious texts and records remain hotly debated by scholars. However, Boswell’s main discovery has never been disputed: that same-sax couple in early Modern Europe used a variety of religious ceremonies to obtain Catholic blessing for marriages that closely resembled heterosexual marriage. In addition, Boswell threw new light on the openness with which same-sex unions were celebrated in Roman and Greek law and society. Historical records, artifacts and research indicate that since earliest recorded history, same-sax couples have often enjoyed social and even formal recognition of their relationships. Although ‘marriage’ would have been different then than today, the list of times and places where same-sex couples have received such recognition includes, at a minimum: Egypt, Ancient Greece (Athens, Thebes, Crete and Sparta), Ancient Rome, China (from at least the 1500s to the present in Guangzhou, Fujian and Fuzhou), Japan, Shout East Asia (Malay and Bali), Australia (Aboriginal peoples), India (Bhopal, 1987), South America, Central America, North American Indigenous peoples, Medieval Eastern Europe, Portugal (1500s), Early Modern Europe, Balkans (early 1800s), England, Italy, the Netherlands, Canada (cross-dressing women in the 1800s), United States (cross-dressing couples in the 1900s), and Africa (continuously until the present day).” Same-Sax Marriage—the Personal and the Political, Kathleen A, Lahey & Kevin Alderson. Homosexuals’ love are pure and that’s called “true love”
“Partnership is the operative word, we talk about things and help each other grow and move forward. (Terrah Keener)”. Same-Sax Marriage—the Personal and the Political, Kathleen A, Lahey & Kevin Alderson. This was the interview of a lesbian couple Pattie LaCroix and Terrah Keener. They call their relationships as partnership, they are both very creative indivials, and they are both equally and actively involved in parenting, they also share the happiness and sadness together, they love each other. Homosexual’s love for my point of view, I think their love is true and pure; they have the same lifestyles as heterosexual couples, just with different focuses. Men and women, from child hood on, have very different biological and social imperatives. They are naturally disposed to different reproctive strategies; men are on average larger and stronger; the relative levels of various hormones, the difference in the rate of maturity, and many other factors make it far, far easier for women to get along with other women and men to get along with men. Men, after all know what men like far better than women do; women know how women think and feel far better men do. However a man and a woman come together as strangers and their natural impulses remain at odds throughout their lives, requiring constant compromise, suppression of natural desires, and an unending effort to learn how to get through the inter-sexual swamp. Marriage for homosexual people is a serious thing, not a joke. In many cases people do not actually marry for love, however homosexual couples may. The marriage is meaning a lot to homosexual people. There are probably three levels of motivation. One is about coming out in the world on an indivial, personal level. The second level for me would be to have external recognition by society as an equal to heterosexual couples, which acknowledges that this relationship is as valuable as theirs and that is contributes to society in the same way, Thirdly, and probably most important, is she/he wants to do this for their child because they want every mechanism and every document that they can possibly get for the child so that he has as many choices in his life as any other person would have. They want their child to be able to speak about his family as married, if he chooses so. Homosexual people respect to each other. They know that’s not an easy thing for other people to understand their marriage, they may not have much friends; therefore they become best person to speak to. However they don’t feel said about those things, because they are strong.
“There is, as well, a certain vulnerability and fragility that underlies much of the new gay life – not, of course, without parallels elsewhere.” Postcolonial and Queer Theories—Intersections and Essays, edited by John C. Hawley. For many of the young homosexual people who become part of the growing gay/lesbian worlds of Asian cities there is rupture with family, village, religion, and social expectations, which can be very painful. It is not uncommon to meet young men/women whose growing sense of themselves as gay/lesbian has led to interruptions of study, to breaks with family, to a general feeling of being stranded between two worlds. Guilt, self-hatred, even suicide are not uncommon for those who feel themselves irretrievably homosexual in societies that deny open discussion of sexual differences even while allowing for certain variations much less acceptable in the west. It may hard for homosexual people to let other people know they are gay or lesbian, they will feel nervous to tell people, however after their same-sax marriage, they have to let people know that they are married and they married to a same-sax people, therefore they begin to learn become a stronger people, because they have been married by legal, not illegal, their marriage built up with the true love, not a joke, not a game.
“For most legislators, this debate boiled down to one simple question: should we allow unelected judges to impose a radical redefinition of marriage on this state, or should we let the people of Alaska decide? Tonight, the answer was clear: the people will decide. – Alaska senator Loren Lehman, 1998.” The Limits to Union—Same-Sax Marriage and the Politics of Civil Rights, Jonathan Goldberg-Hiller. I’m agreeing with the homosexual marriage, because this is the basic human right. If we look at the marriage as the basic human right, the whole world should accept that homosexual people should have their dignity and right for being a human. If the marriage is the human right, then homosexual people should have that right too. Marriage, meaning the legal binding of two people in a loving agreement, does not say anything about sexual preference of the two should be. Marriage is a kind of bargain of government economy, it appears when the social run to a degree by all mean, for marriage becomes a bargain, it may offer protect for people, protect them exist even more better. Homosexual marriage is caused by that reason, and it also protect homosexual people’s exist and develop. Especially, there is truly having part of homosexuals need this kind of request. I research that in China there are more than 3000 homosexuals, and even more homosexuals in other countries, so we can’t ignore those many people’s rights; besides, there only a little bit different between same-sax marriage and opposite-sax marriage, only the different of the sex. They have their joys and they have their sorrows and they have things to work through, they are just like normal people.
However, some countries are not accepting the homosexual marriage, they opposed to homosexual marriage. Because few homosexual peoples become gay/lesbian caused by the economy issues, and they also faced up to the child problem: they don’t have the child (some may have from the previous family, but some may not), they don’t have the person to inherit their economy and career.
Therefore, the homosexual marriage should be protected, not only by law, it also should protect by “out-side” people, we should respect to them, they are strong and brave people.