




One-click easy to create a variety of studio, lomo art of photo; powerful portrait beauty, can be freckle Acne, whitening, etc.;
宝宝专用可爱边框、场景等是妈妈的首选;非主流炫酷、个性照随意处理。 Special cute baby frame, scene and others are the mother's choice; non-mainstream cool, personalized according to dispose of.

什么是美图秀秀(美图大师)? What is Mito Xiu Xiu (Mito Master)? 美图秀秀(美图大师)是新一代的非主流图片处理软件,可以1分钟搞定酷炫的非主流图片、非主流闪图、QQ头像、QQ空间图片,比光影魔术手、Photoshop简单很多哦, 赶快下载安装吧 Mito Xiu Xiu (Mito Master) is a new generation of non-mainstream image processing software, you can cool 1 minute Gaoding non-mainstream pictures, non-mainstream flash map, QQ head, QQ space for pictures, compared with light and shadow magic hand, Photoshop is much simpler Oh, quickly download and install a bar
美图秀秀(美图大师)与其他图片处理软件相比的优点 Mito Xiu Xiu (Mito Master) and other image processing software, the advantages compared to ·史上最“傻瓜”,人人都会用! * In the history of the most "fool", everyone can use! ·强大的人像美容功能 * Beauty features a powerful portrait ·精选可爱饰品、文字模板 * Lovely selection of jewelry, writing templates ·非主流闪图、闪字一键生成 * Non-mainstream flash map, flash a key word generation ·轻松制作趣味场景 * Easily create interesting scenarios 美图秀秀(美图大师)可以处理以下非主流图片哦~ Mito Xiu Xiu (Mito Master) can handle the following non-mainstream pictures oh ~ 动态模板

Dynamic Template


Cool Text Template


Animation Jewelry


Non-mainstream flash map


Non-mainstream flash map


Soft Effects

1, the background increase the "Desktop Background" category to meet the needs of the desktop background. 2、“时尚”图片特效增加“阿宝色”效果。 2, "fashion" image effects increase the "A Bao color" effect. 3、优化尺寸功能,使其更人性化。 3, optimizing the size of features to make them more humane. 4、优化闪图自定义,增加调整帧位置功能。 4, optimizing custom flash map to increase the frame position adjustment function. 5、一键磨皮增加“超级磨皮”效果。 5, a key dermabrasion increase the "super-dermabrasion" effect. 美图秀秀软件功能介绍 Mito Xiu Xiu Software Functions
1分钟做出影楼级照片 1 minute to make studio-level photos
“美图秀秀”拥有各种流行风格化效果,一键式操作数秒即让你的照片完美无瑕,从此做图不求人! "Mito Xiu Xiu" With a variety of popular stylized effects, one-button operation that is a few seconds to make your pictures perfect, do a draft plan from不求人!

神奇的人像美容功能 Magic portrait beauty features
独有磨皮祛痘、瘦脸、美白、眼睛放大等多种智能美容,及数千款美容饰品(每日更新),让你轻松化身“时尚达人”。 Unique Acne dermabrasion, face-lift, whitening, eye zoom and other intelligent beauty, and thousands of cosmetic jewelry (updated daily), allowing you to easily incarnation of "fashion over people."

海量饰品及多彩文字 Massive jewelry and colorful characters
软件自带的海量饰品及多彩文字满足你不同时候的需求,是忧伤是甜蜜? The software comes with massive ornaments, and colorful characters to meet your needs at different times, is a sweet sorrow? 今天的你就用美图秀秀表达心情! Today you will use to express feelings Mito Xiu Xiu!

美伦美焕的智能边框 Meilen US Smart Border-hwan
想拥有精美相框吗? Want to have beautiful photo frame? 智能边框功能一键轻松搞定,还能调节撕边边框颜色,让照片时而沧桑时而优雅,随时随地表现自己。 Smart Border features a button Easy to get, but also regulate torn edge border color, so that photos sometimes turbulent and sometimes elegant, at any time to express themselves.

以假乱真的场景 Taken as real scenes
精选数千个*真场景、非主流场景、可爱场景,仅需1秒即可打造出超酷明星效果! Featured thousands of realistic scenarios, non-mainstream scene, lovely scene, only 1 second is needed to create a cool star effect!

动感闪图打造最个性的你 Flash map to create the most dynamic personality of you
超级简单的一键生成闪图,制作个性QQ头像、签名,还能随心所欲打出闪字哦,我闪我个性! Super-simple one-button generation flash map, create personalized QQ head, signature, but also arbitrary character played flash Oh, I flash my personality!

摇头娃娃你的专属QQ表情 Shook his head doll of your exclusive expression QQ
独家摇头娃娃功能,点击鼠标几下就能把好友变成超雷人QQ表情,让你的QQ与众不同一鸣惊人! Exclusive shook his head dolls feature, click the mouse a few friends will be able to put people into a super-Ray QQ expression, to make your QQ different blockbuster!
