




1Feeding Duck

One duck stood on my toes.
The other made watery rushes after bread.
Thrown by my momentary hand;instead
She stood duck-still and got far more than those.

An invisible drone boomed by
With a beetle in it;the neighbour's yearning bull
Bugled across five fields. And an evening full
Of other evening quietly began to die .

And my everlasting hand
Dropped on my hopocrite duck her grace of bread.
And I thought,"The first to be fattened, the first to be dead
Till my gesture enlarged, wide over the darkening land.
----By Norman MacCaig

2 Farewell Autumn Gold
Farewell Autumn Gold, my mischievous friend,
Angry and boyish could this be the end ?

An Orchid so perfect, lively and stong,
The pretty young girl for I still long.

I will now never know you, as the woman you were,
Deep feelings within me can no longer stir.

I will miss that sweet lady of Autumnal Gold,
Never ever to cherish, never ever to hold.
-----By Ian Reynolds
3 Slowly
Heavy is my heart,
Dark are thine eyes,
Thou and I must part,
Ere the sun rise.

Ere the sun rise,
Thou and I must part
Dark are thine eyes,
Heavy is my heart.
------By Mary Coleridge
