Would you like to have a look at our showroom? 您想看一下我们的样品间吗?
Shall I show you a sample of each? 要不要我把每一种样品都拿给您看看?
Here's our sample room. 这是我们的样品间。
All the goods on display are for sale. 所有展品都对外销售。
This proct enjoys a good fame abroad. 这种产品在国外享有盛誉。
Would you like to step up here for our demonstration? 您要不要走过来看看我们的操作演示?
Visiting the Sample Room
Clerk: Here's our sample room.
Visitor: You've got a large collection of sample foodstuffs here.
Clerk: Yes. We are exporting a wide range of foodstuffs to many countries. And the demand is getting greater and greater. By the way, which items are you interested in?
Visitor: I'm particularly interested in shortbreads. Do you have some samples you could show me?
Clerk: Yes. This way, please. Our shortbread is in a variety of flavors, such as almond, walnut, lotus seed, etc. And different packaging has different weights. We can make packages within a reasonable range of any size you require.
Visitor: The small sizes are more marketable than the large ones for us. I wonder if Your pastry tastes better.
Clerk: You are welcome to have a try. Here it is. Ours is of prime quality.
Visitor: Oh, it's delicious...
Ⅰ.a wide range of...表示“许多不同的…”。
Ⅲ.a variety of的意思是“许多种的”。
品质优良: The quality is excellent / superior / very good / fine / high / wonderful / supreme.
品质低劣: The quality is bad / inferior / not good / poor / imperfect / defective / faulty / second-rate / lower / unsatisfactory.
物品已达标准品质: An article is up to the standard quality. / An article is of the same quality as the standard. /An article is equal to the standard quality. /An article is the same as the standard quality.
物品在标准以下: An article is below the standard.
物品在标准以上: An article is above the standard.
物品和样品一致: An article is up to the sample. / An article corresponds with the sample. /An article is equal to the sample.
标准品质: average quality
一般品质: customary quality The goods shipped is of customary quality.
最佳品质: best quality / prime quality / first-rate quality The goods supplied shall only be those of best quality. 供应的货物必须是品质最佳的。