bjd 求问leeke家3分女体尺寸,官网找不到啊

发布网友 发布时间:2024-10-24 17:23



热心网友 时间:2024-11-13 15:35


-L Type Girl Real

* Tall-57.8cm ( with Head )
* Circumference of Neck-8.2cm
* Circumference of Chest-24.1cm
* Width of shoulders-12.3cm
* Length of "From Shoulder to Wrist"-9.8cm
* Length of "From Elbow to Wrist"-18.4cm
* Circumference of Waist-18.4cm
* Circumference of Hips-26cm
* Circumference of Wrist-5.7cm
* Circumference of the fleshy inside of the thigh-15.5cm
* Length of "From Hips to Knee"-18cm
* Length of "From Knee to Heel"-17cm
* Foot size-6.7cm

- L Type Girl Glamour Body

-. Tall-57cm ( with Head )
-. Circumference of Neck-8.2cm
-. Circumference of Chest-25.3cm
-. Width of shoulders-12.3cm
-. Length of "From Shoulder to Wrist"-9.8cm
-. Length of "From Elbow to Wrist"-18.4cm
-. Circumference of Waist-18.4cm
-. Circumference of Hips-26cm
-. Circumference of Wrist-5.7cm
-. Circumference of the fleshy inside of the thigh-15.5cm
-. Length of "From Hips to Knee"-18cm
-. Length of "From Knee to Heel"-17cm
-. Foot size-6.7cm
